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Image Comments posted by wildphotoart

    Moab Sunset


    Great to see an original view of Delicate Arch – first time I when their more than 30 years ago there was know one else around at sunset – last time I went it had become the part of the photographic tourist route –with more than 200 people all trying to take the same photo!  Love the photo – would be good even without the rainbows but they add a uniqueness.  Out of interest – you appear to be at quite a high elevation – is there a peak you climbed or is this aerial shot? 

    Portree Harbour



    Thank you for your comments. The area is a bit north of Sound of Sleat , so the water is sound of Rasaay and the land in the center background is the Isle of Rasaay. 


  1. We have had torential rain for most of this week in Skye - but when the

    sun appeared for 3 minutes whilest I was eating oysters at a harbour

    side restaurant I had to abandon family for a photo - hope you like it ?

    Provence Pony



    Thanks for the edit ideas - i think your right on most but the square format and upper background was  intentional to maximise to feel for the local environment so i am not so sure about the crop.   


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