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Posts posted by andrea_varetto

  1. <p>Hi Jon, in west italian Alps the best autumn colors usually are between the end of october and the beginning of november but there's great variability according to the exposition of valleys, faces, and altitude. When you have best colors in low valley the larches in high valley are nearly brown, not yellow.<br>

    I speak of west alps, but I think that in the east Italy is the same.<br>

    This are colors in my country (Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta) the last year in 25 october</p>

    <p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9961342-lg.jpg" alt="" width="567" height="800" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9961325-lg.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="567" /></p>

  2. Thanks to all!

    My choice will be restricted to "cheap" filmscanner, the other filmscanner are too much expensive for me (Nikon 4000, 5000 etc.), so I have seen Nikon Coolscan V as my ideal filmscanner, or Minolta 5400 but I don't know if it's steel in production after Minolta was purchased by Sony. Also Canon filmscanner was discontinued. I understand that Coolscan IV has the resolution limit for prints 10x15 inches, but I had found a good price. I'll search the Coolscan V, thanks again.

  3. Hallo.

    I'm steel a "film photographer", I shot escpecially with Velvia 50 and 100; to

    by pass the film scanning in laboratory (day by day more expensive) I'd like

    buying a filmscanner and I have found a used Coolscan IV. Do you know if there's

    a big quality difference between C. IV and C. V beyond the resolution? My target

    are prints 30x40 cm.

    Thanks and sorry for my english not perfect.

  4. Tanks to all.

    Today while I was lookin for a superwide zoom in a shop of my town I've found a prime 20 mm 2.8 USM; it's a "second hand" lens but it's in perfect conditions. If logic tells me that zoom is versatile the istinct pushes me to the prime lens!

    I don'n know what to do! :)

  5. Thanks to all for your answers.

    About the Canon 20-35 I don't thik to buy that lens for 2 reasons:

    1) It doesn't seem a good lens for a next passage to Digital SRL and at 20 mm has too much barrel distorsion.

    2) For me it's too slow.

    I know that the sharp of this lens will never be like prime 50 1.8 but I am looking for a lens for backpacking and reportage; I'd like buying the prime wide lens but the zoom is more versatile.

  6. After many years with a Canon FTb and FD lenses I have bought an Eos

    30V and the Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8.


    Now I'd like buy a superwide zoom not too much expensive (Canon EF

    17-40 L USM f/4 is too much expensive for me). I've seen Tamron SP

    AF17-35MM F/2.8-4 Di LD Aspherical (IF) and Sigma 17-35mm F2.8-4 EX DG



    Can you help me to choose between the two lenses ad compare them?


    I have found a very good review of Tamron by Bob Atkins in this site

    but I don't find a comparison with the Sigma on the web.

    Excuse me for my english, it's not very good




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