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Image Comments posted by jeffjones

    Bikers on Arch



    Fantastic shot! Just the right amount of fill flash on the foreground rocks and perfect composition.

    I know there are numerous arches outside the National Parks there around Moab, but I can't help wondering if it is legal to ride where these two guys are.  Do you know?

  1. Tanni, 

    Just how long did it take you to paint this photo?  There appear to be dozens of flash discharges and many of them are quite a distance from the camera. Did you have an assistant?

    You have a very intriguing image here.

    I suspect you've put a lot of work into it, but well worth the effort.


    ibisa last dance


    This image has to be a collage, yes? The figures, kite, sky and ground seem to be shot with a medium wide angle lens, while the setting sun is obviously taken with a very long telephoto.


    Interesting though.

    Red Arrows


    Very impressive photo, like a scene from a movie.


    I am interested in the perpective of this and many of your other aviation pics. From where were you shooting? This and some of the other shots seem to be shot from other than the ground. If you are also airborne, how did you manage to get there?


    All of your aviation pics are most impressive, BTW.

    Family Portrait


    Nice little shot. It's bound to appeal to cat lovers.


    You might want to check your white balance on the cat's fur. It appears more blue than white.


    Congrats on a sucessful picture.

    Air Rescue


    It's surreal and real at the same time. I feel like I'm in the scene but it's such a dream-like place. I can't keep from staring.


    If the figure in the foreground was more interesting than a fireman I'd say it couldn't have been better.


    Congratulations. It's prize winner!



  2. I've never seen the bean with so few people around. Nice shot.


    I see a few people have moved during exposure to where they're almost invisible. My eye, however, is drawn to the set of feet just under the bean. Kind of cool.


    Curious though. You have to be in the picture yourself. Is that you in the relfection to the right of the diamond topped building along the wall?

    Bangkok at 5am


    Outstanding picture.


    I'm baffled, though, about where the light on the fronts of the foreground buildings is coming from. Obivously, the sun is beyond the building (and whole city) so why are the front building so light? Is light being reflected from other buildings in the area from which the photo is taken?


    Just wondering.

    Hunter's Moon

    Whitetail season will be in here in about a week. Your image if very effective in rousing even more anticipation. The deer's image had to have been taken earlier in the year since he seems to still be in velvet. Nice job.

    Dancing Girl

    I concur with the majority of the comments already posted about this photo.

    Without explanation the picture means very little and not a lot more after learning she is dancing. If she was looking up so to see her eyes it may have been a decent portrait.



    Since you asked, I just don't see what this image is trying to communicate. There are nice colors and great texture (brick), but as a still life it seems to lack a point of interest. If a study of patterns and colors, it seems a more abstract or close up view of the objects would have translated better.


    Still, a good picture.



    Certainly this photo would be adequate for the daily sports page of the local paper, but there are several things keeping it from being one the best sports photos. No ball, though not absolutely necessary, it sure helps in any ball oriented sport picture. More faces. The baserunner's face is shown and essentially makes the picture. If the catcher's was more promenent the photo would be better. Finally, the lighting. Besides being over exposed, which was explained above, flatter lighting would have made the photo better. The lack of shadow detail is not optimal. Even backlighting which would have brought out any atmospheric dust might have been better.


    I have been shooting sports for the local paper now for about two years so I do appreciate the difficulty in attaining the perfect shot. This one is very good, just not perfect. If the photographer has been shooting for any length of time he should have something better than this.

  3. Great image! How did you do it, though? Obviously the sky has been burnt in all around the tree. The crows seem to be just a bit too symetrical not to be manipulated in the printing process too. Were they? The crows around here are much more wary than these seem to be....unless you were in a blind. I do love your picture.
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