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Posts posted by crob2go

  1. <p>Mark thanks for your comment. I really came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter, it's all in the hands of the viewer. If you have a lot of photos the viewer can always stop when he wants, if you have a few it may not be enough to show case your work. In ending I would say more is better. Thanks again Mark I appreciate....Craig</p>
  2. <p>Mark you may have a good point, but I had to driving questions, when does a site have to many questions and should it have music. My conclusion was that it doesn't matter. If you don't want to hear the music you simply turn off the music. Has for the number of photos again it doesn't matter when you had enough, you just stop and move on to something else.. Thanks again for your opinion Mark</p>
  3. <p>I recently launched my website and would like to have your opinion of it. I wrestled with the number of photos per page, but in the end I settled down to the idea that the person viewing it would decide when enough is enough. Any comments will be welcomed, my site is: www.pictureperfectmoment.com<br>

    I thank any and everyone for their response.....Craig</p>

  4. <p>I'm putting my website on line again and my question is this. As a photographer I made 7 categories for my website. What number of photos in a category would be overkill and entirely unnecessary in your opinion. Thank you for all answers. C-Rob</p>


  5. <p>How do the rule of third play in portrait photograpy? Headshot, 1/2, 3/4, and Full? Any feed back will be welcomed and any photos to support what you are explaining will be even more appreciated. Thanx to all who comment in advance....C-Rob</p>
  6. <p>I have taken many portraits shoots and not many been considered really good by Photonet members. So my question is what make a good portrait shot great. Does it start with the subject and what they are wearing (color of clothes, unique style). Is it how good the subject can pose? How much do subject composition in photo play in it? How much post editing plays in final production? My question is simply what make a great portrait shot. Thanks C-Rob</p>


  7. <p>Hi, my name is Craig and my problem is this. I'm thinking of getting into the business of taking baby pictures. I was taking some photos of my grandson and my daughter started complaining about the flash and the amount of light that it was giving off. This is even with the baby sleeping and me bouncing the light off the ceiling or a reflector. I can see this as a bigger problem if his eyes were open. The baby was less than a week old at the time of the pictures. My question is basically how do you handle the flash issue? How far back would be a safe distance not to harm a newborn baby eyes? Any info given in helping me take newborn photos and not have the parent up in arms about the flash would be appreciated......Craig (C-Rob)</p>
  8. Hello, my question is this: I was shooting a day time scene with my ISO set at

    400. Why did photo have noticalbe artifacts? I'm using a Sony f-828 is this is

    a factor. My thought is that the ISO may have been to sensitive for the

    lighting conditions. Yes/No? Any input would be appreciated......C-Rob

  9. My problem is this at what price should I sell my files to fashion models or

    someone that may be in the business of promotion. I don't sell my files but I

    can understand why a model may need the files. In my case my price structure

    is as follows $20 for files 1-4, $15 for files 5-8, $10 for files 9-12, and $5

    for all files above 12 payed for. I have no idea or basis on what to charge so

    if this sounds wacky let me know. Thanks C-Rob

  10. Actually Phil you stole my question. I have a similar type question which I will address shortly. I'm answering this question based on what I read above. I'm thinking $40 sounds reasonable for a file in your case. It is about your artistry and what you capture on print. If it's good they should go for it. Check out my question title,"They want my files...at what cost". Any response may be a help to you....Craig
  11. I'm new at what I am trying to accomplish as a photographer. What I want to do

    is target small schools, churchs, classes to do a picture day. I have two

    primary questions? First question is what percentage do you give back to an

    organinzation for their participation? Second question, is it unethical among

    photograpers for one to underbid another to get a photo shoot at a school or

    church if another photographer has established themselves there? Any answers

    would be appreciated? Thank you C-Rob.

  12. I have a chance to take a portrait of a promenent person in the community. The

    portrait will be a 1/2 or 1/4 shot. What can I do to make an ordinary pose

    different or more dramatic and not giving it your third grade photo look.

    Would a photo with him holding a book (prop of some type) lend a little flare

    to the photo or is it just a matter of positioning? Thanks for any


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