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Posts posted by cristobal_castro

  1. yes here we are talking about two supports : the inks(paper support) and the

    pixels, this means for the paper support its lines per inch and everybody says

    a 300 dpi output but the definition is: for a magazine that print in 133 lines per

    inch the pixel image can be from 1,5 or 2 times the lines per inch, this means

    that a 240 pixels image will be printed with the same quality as a 300 pixel


  2. i would suggest you a camera that can do manual stuff , like a fuji fine pix e

    550 but the problem imo with those "fits into pocket" cameras is that they are a

    bit little and if you want to ,get into photo seriously you will very soon want

    something with a "normal" size so i would suggest you something like a nikon

    8400, i also got my first DC a week ago its a sony dsc w15 but i think now i

    should have spent a bit more of money and get something more pro not a

    pocket camera.

  3. hi again, i bought the sony dsc w5 , and found out that more pixels generaly

    means better resolution image (more detail) but i think those little cameras

    like the dsc are too little and can do good pics but when you grabbed them it

    just feel too little. im considering the coolpix 8400, anyone knows this

    camera? is the 8400 a very good camera, much better than a dsc w5?

  4. hi, i'm a beginner at digital photography and want to buy my first camera, i found two

    models i like and can afford: Fuji finepix e550 or Sony DSC-W5. but i dont know wich one to

    choose. the fuji has like 6 MP while the sony 5 MP, but i have seen many reviews choosing

    the sony for better quality image. Does more MP means photos with more detail? thanks for

    helping me to choose the right camera.

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