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Image Comments posted by emyr_thomas


    This is classic Mav's, I may have liked to see a little more of the shoulder so you could see the wave peeling all the way along. Great shot though. Keep it up chuck!


    He's gonna have to hope he dosnt get drilled into the rocks!! Great timing as always chuck, managed to get the shot before he hit the water which makes it nicer to look at.
  1. Cheers for the comment seven, I took this photo from the beach just round the corner from whitsands bay in cornwall, whichis near Plymouth. It was a nice smallish day, but clean and loads of barrels. Thanks again, Emyr


  2. A very dramatic cloud formation here Bill. When the light is fading fast it is sometimes difficult to enable a correctly exposed shot. I feel you have got the right balance of dark and light, giving a very atmospheric feeling to your shot. Regards, Emyr


    Such a crisp, fresh ptotograph. I love the postioning of the snow covered trees in the bottom left of the frame, winding their way up onto the peak.
  3. The sharpness of this image is amazing. Not easy to take im sure when the boat as rocking about. The way the lower sail reflects the sunset gives this photo a brilliant balance. Great job!!

    Big Air

    This sponger really is getting some great height off that ramp. I would mabye like to see a little more of the closing out wave so as to judge the take off point and where he will land. Good to see some bodyboarders in the spotlight instead of surfboarders! Great shot, great timing.
  4. Hey chris, I really like this photo, but I feel that the silhouette of the tree fills the frame a little too much, which takes some focus away from the beautiful sunset in the background. I would like to see the trunk of the tree further towards the left of the frame. I really like the unusual angle of the ground and horizon. Good work 6/6. Regards, Emyr
  5. Your comments are very useful Axel. I have looked at your portfolio and can see what you mean about the contrast of the structure. As far as finding a different standpoint, I only had photos of the bridge from one angle, so i feel this was the best. I have attached a full photo of both brigdes to show what I mean. Thanks again, and congratulations on a very well made and proffesional portfolio.




    This is an amazing photo Ferrando. The colour of the mist reflecting the low sun creates a great contrast against the snow and darker sky. I also love the positioning of the snow covered tree in the photo. Having it off-center allows a better balance against the mist.

    Great capture, keep up the great work, and also very well done on your portfolio. It is most impressive

    'Mist in town'

    This shot is wonderful. The denseness of the mist really allows it to reflect the lights from the town it sits on. Some of the lighting seems a little over-exposed but this also allows the mist to be more apparent. One of natures wonders!
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