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Posts posted by christian1

  1. I still have a 300D, and work with three lenses I am really happy with. First the 18-55 I got with the body when I bought it. This lens is very good for wide country and city spots. I originally complemented that one with the 75-300 zoom (with stabilizer), which I have used repeatedly for portraits. My children don't like being photographed, and this lens allows me to get them from a distance. Together with the portrait position of the 300D, it gives real good pictures.

    I was however missing a good intermediate lens, that I could use when I was traveling and could not take all my gear with me. I ended up settling for the 28-105 USM II and have to tell you this lens is remarkable. I already enjoyed great pictures with it although I only have it for a couple months. Hope this helps in the debate.

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