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clint h

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Posts posted by clint h

  1. For what is it worth I sent one of d200's back 3 times for that problem. They got it right. they wouldn't replace the camera

    just everything in it. The tech was very apologetic paid for shipping and expedited the repair. It was just a major inconvenience.


    Good luck



  2. Sounds like 2 problems to me,both of which I have encountered.. The battery problem I had

    on the d200, which would flash low battery and shutdown. Turned the camera off and back

    on take a couple of shots it would die again. I sent it back to Nikon 3 times finally fixed it.

    The 70-200 I use was isopropyl alcohol swaps to clean the contacts per Nikon tech (the lens

    and camera contacts). I think this is common to that lens in talking to the people I shoot

    with. Never the less this works. I would send the camera back.



  3. I had the same problem with a d200. sent in back 3 times before the issue was corrected. I

    would contact nikon. it seems like it was about 5 to 7 day turnaround time. I was satisfied

    with the service techs (except it took them 3 times to fix it). They did pay for shipping when I

    had to return it again. Good Liuck!



  4. I set my shutter to 1/125 f9. using 2 ab800's with umbrella's (1 translucent and 1 reflective)

    and 1 Background light with a soft box. I then meter each light, Primary light f9 secondary

    lights at f5.6. I also use a grey card. It was a good starting point.

    I tried faster shutter speeds and the result was the same as yours, the faster the shutter the

    more shadow.



  5. I have the 80 - 400 VR and use it on a d200, D2Xs and most recently on the D300. AF is slow

    compared to AFS lenses . Like elliot said use the focus limit switch. I wouldn't recommend it

    for flight shots. The images it produces are very good. I don't regret buying it at all.



  6. Jerry, the low battery problem will only get worse, mine started the same way and it took 3 trips back to nikon to finally resolve the issue. If it is still in warranty I would get a service ticket started. The 70-200 VR lens issue is a different problem that can be corrected by doing just what you did. My camera would shoot but only manual focus and no VR untill I cleaned the contacts.Nikon might not admit it but they have issues with the low battery problem.



  7. I have used the 2.0 tc with my 70-200 and was not impressed. The 80-400 is a good lens with the exception of no AFS. I don't find it any heavier than my 70-200. The 200-400 is my lens of choice. It produces great results even with a 1.4 attached. (not so good with the 2.0 TC). I think Shun has the right idea with the 300 f4.
  8. Howard

    I agree. Nikon service reps are closed mouthed when you starting asking for details, at least the ones I talked too were. But they fixed the problem. My concern is both of My D200's are out of warranty now. the problem camera went out while being repaired.

  9. I have version 2.o on both cameras. I upgraded myself. As stated in my earlier post, 1 camera had DBS the is working fine so far. Nikon acted like they had never heard of the problem. although it took 3 trips back to the shop before correcting the problem they paid for shipping and expedited the service. I wouldn't waste time trying to figure it out its much easier to send the camera back and let them make the repair. (plus you they clean the camera also)
  10. I had to send my d200 back to nikon 3 times before the issue was corrected. from what I can tell they seem to have replaced every component in the camera. My other d200 has not had the problem. and both cameras have the latest frimware.
  11. Ian, your problem sounds like the one I had.I just got mine back from nikon for the same problem. Showed low battery, sometimes it fixed it itself other times I cut it off then back on. the problem got worse. I have 5 batteries and tried them all. Finally when I could only take 2 or 3 pics before it shutdown I called Nikon. They had me send it in for repair. 2 weeks later I got my camera back and it looks and performs like new. My camera was about 10 months old with close to 5000 actuations on it. I was well pleased with Nikons service.

    Good luck


  12. I had a similar problem, My d200 would not attempt to focus and the vr would not function when the shutter button was depressed half way. I could remove the lense and reattach it and it would work. I cleaned the lenses contacts and camera contacts with alcohol swabs. The problem has not resurfaced. I cleaned the contacts per Nikon tech service instructions. They were very confident this would correct the problem and so far they are correct.


    Hope this helps.

  13. I have used the 4 gig microdrive in my D200 & d2Xs with no problems. I didn't remove them from the camera to download because they are fragile IMO. I have since swapped to CF cards and use micro drives for backup only. I know of a couple instances where the Microdrives have failed. I agree with Shun, CF cards are the way to go.
  14. Your problem sounds exactly what I experienced.

    You didn't mention what sotware you are using. The first thing I did was follow the setup instructions for color management that came with the printer. Next, I removed adobe gamma from starting. I am using Capture NX & CS2. I use the profiles that match the paper I am using, so before I print I CONVERT (not assign a profle) the profile to match.

    R1800 printer properties should be as follows;

    High speed printing-Off

    Color mangement-ICM

    ICC/ICM Profile-Off


    You might have to tweak your video card settings to match. Mine was close enough I can't tell the difference, I have a samsung 21" monitor. I now get great prints

  15. I would use aperture priority, AF continuous. You are a bit limited on range. Lighting might be an issue when shooting in the morning. Keep your shutter high enough to freeze the action. I have shot surfers in California and Florida using aperture priority and a tripod or monopod with good success. I use a 400 mm lense or 70-200 with a 1.4 TC depending on conditons.

    Good Luck, it sounds fun.

  16. Rebecca, I own a D70 and loved it. I own a D200 and coudn't believe I could enjoy a camera so much, but then I bought A D2xs and can't believe how much a person can get attached to a camera. I still have all three. The D70 still takes great pic's although I rarely use it. Now is the time to return the D70s to get all your $ back. I don't think the wait on the D80 will be as bad as the D200 was. If you decide to keep the D70s you want be disappointed it is a great camera. I get better crops and great 13 x 19 pics from the d200 and D2xs wich is what I wanted. I would opt for the D80. From what I have read I think it would be worth it. Hope I didn't add to your confusion.



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