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alicia arroyo-jaime

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Image Comments posted by alicia arroyo-jaime

    Dallas Texas

    I liked the angle that this picture was taken, but on the far right in the back where you have a lot of white buildings, it seems to me a little over exposed, and the rest of the picture specially the bottom is too dark. I liked the color of the sky is very pretty, and i know that you probably got this shadows because of the clouds. but you can fix all of this with a mask.

    Haunted river V

    Que hermosas fotografias de Camecuaro, me traen muchos recuerdos de mi ni�ez!! gracias por compartir tan hermosas imagenes. Por favor sigue fotografiando a nuestro hermoso M鸩co, para que el mundo se de cuenta de las riquezas de nuestro paí³®

    The Goose


    I took this photo when I was taking my first photo class, this is

    actually film, I am now doing digital. Please feel free to make any

    kind of comments, thanks for taking the time to look at my picture.

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