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Posts posted by olbob

  1. <p>In hopes of an informed member's knowledge of the HP situation: Does anyone have an idea about replacing the battery of the now discontinued HP R707 camera. I understand they no longer market cameras, and my local dealer tells me that includes batteries which might fit. The camera has been wonderful, and continues to provides striking photos. But some day the second battery, which I purchased at my wife's urging ("with Carly gone. I bet they'll quit the camera line!") will give out. Then what, HP? Appreciate any help you might be. Thanks!</p>
  2. Hey Everybody, Thanks! Now I know why venues such as this are so valuable. I am so out of date, yet your kind answers bring me into a new century complete with courage to get that glass useful again. BTW, yes - they were Fs and not F2s. As a matter of fact, I now remember (don't grow old!) specifically rejecting the idea of switching to the F2 because I was so delighted with the performance of the F. I'll have to post some of those early slides. Thanks again, folks - you're all wonderful. Bob Borden (Again)
  3. I'm not up on camera/lense descriptions. I have several (50mm1.2,

    28mm2.8,300mm,macro,micro - even a knock-off fish eye) Nikkor lenses,

    which I purchased and used in the mid 1960s on acouple of F2s. I

    wonder if there are any Nikon digital cameras which can use them. I'm

    home bound now, but they're terrific glass! Thanx, Bob Borden

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