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Posts posted by mike_curtis3

  1. I have always used a PC. I have built two PCs and am good at fixing PCs. I have helped a few photographers with Apple computers who had never downloaded digital files from their cameras (new digital camera users) and it was easy to do so. I think Apple computers do lots of things well. I do find more programs available for the PC than the Apple including some photo programs. I have never had any driver issues with my PC. I am still on Windows XP Pro. I plan to have a new custom 64 bit machine built with Vista 64 bit with 8 gb ram since the next Windows version of Photoshop (CS4) coming out this fall will support 64 bit computers. I think the Apple OS has done a better job at being able to use more memory with Photoshop than Windows but with the next version of Photoshop becoming available and more and more Windows computers being built to 64-bit this will change. I looked at the cost of a MacPro computer to a custom built Intel 9450 CPU with 8gb ram, Nvidia 9800 GT 512mb card, and two WD 150gb Velociraptor drives and the custom built computer is $2,500 versus $4,400 for a MacPro with similar hardware. I like to tinker with my computer. A lot of Apple owners aren't into upgrading or changing out components in their computer. A lot of photographers use Apples. They are a good computer. I still think they are overpriced compared to a PC when you look at the MacPro. The main problem with Windows computers right now is the problems with Vista. If you purchase a Vista computer plan on purchasing as much memory as you can afford because it is a memory hog. If you buy a 64 bit computer you will need to get Vista 64 bit installed.



  2. Nancy,


    A Canon Rebel XTI would be a good choice as long as you use good lenses with it. The 18-55mm lense is not bad for the low price. If you don't mind changing lenses you could pick up a Canon 24mm F2.8, 35mm F2 and a Canon 50mm 1.4 or 1.8 for very little money. The 24mm would act as 38mm, 35 mm would act like a 56mm and the 50 would act like a 80 due to the 1.6 crop factor. The typical wedding lense used on a full frame camera are the 24-70 f2.8 and the 70-200 f2.8. The next step up would be a used Canon 20d or 30d. If you want to go beyond a hobby, a great choice would be as used Canon 5d. Check out your existing lenses to see if they will work. The thing to remember is that camera bodies are replaceable since you will upgrade every so often, but you should buy the best quality lenses you can afford because you will to keep lenses and trade up with camera bodies. Good luck.


    Mike Curtis

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