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Image Comments posted by christait


    Hey Danny, Just wanted to say that I enjoy this look. It's got a dark, harsh feel from the sharpness in the bricks and shadows, accentuated by a little desaturation. To really drive it home, I would have suggested some more light on the lighted eye without losing the deep shadow on the right to capture a sharp stare from the model, giving it just a touch more emotional direction. Keep it up. -CT

    Good Morning!


    This is a very nice shot. I like the colour in the sky, the starburst coming into the shadow of the building (which is perfectly exposed: just enough to even out the emphasis on shape and detail), I even like the lower set of wires. I would make a decision about the top wires, though. If you have anything more above that, I want to see it. If not, I'd take them right out to get more emphasis on the building's shape. Again, great colour! Cheers,


    Chris T

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