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svend erik poulsen

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Image Comments posted by svend erik poulsen



    Good, somewhat vulgar, flower image. I like the dark tones and the vignetting  both dark and blurred at the corners. Focus and composition is spot on.

    Old and New


    Thanks for the kind words. It's "kind of" a self portrait. Magnus, My grandchild does not like to be photographed, but when i handed him the remote control for the camera it got his attention witch payed off in this shot. I love that little guy.

    Also - a crop just over my highest ear might tighten the shot further.

    Popsicle Plane


    Thank you for the nice words. My father died over ten years ago but finding this fragile little model in the back of a drawer instantly brought back memories of him. It's the strangest things that carries the strongest memories.

    Popsicle Plane


    My father build model planes but his true passion was woodwork and

    very very sharp knifes and tools. I pound this small plane among the

    stuff he left behind when he died. I think it it tells a story about a

    man who always kept his hands busy.


    The setup was a ordinary piece of black cardboard lit by a LED




    I like the light and I like the interior. It's clearly a place that have been lived - A real gem of a location. I'm guessing you want critique and or suggestions so here we go.

    You might want to consider something even wider than 17 mm. Perhaps stitching several shots together. A more head on approach would give more of the wall and window to the left - alternately it should be left out in order to get more of the door opening to the right showing detail from that room too. It's the unfinished business that troubles me. Half a door behind the chimney, the cut-off spring bed, the cut-off window and doorway.

    I hope this offers some suggestions or inspiration for improvement on this fantastic location.



    Thanks Dave - I'm glad you liked it. Theres an inverted logic to this kind image - here removing details helps the illusion. If it was a model, adding details would have the same effect.



    My first thought was looking at a capsized ship - if i squint my eyes i can still see it. But still - as a architectural photo this works very well - i thing taking this at night brings out a lot of detail and has a powerful impact. There might be details lost in the roof of the building, but there are also the curved shape that hints the design. The calm - or long exposed water with reflections adds detail to the shot. All in all a great shot.

  1. It's a scene from a museum showing how a doctors practice looked around 1974. The patient behind the screen are actually a movie looping the woman getting dressed and undressed. I'm only taking credit for the photo - the setup credit should go to the museum - they really created a feeling of being "a fly on the wall".

  2. Ohhh - this one hit my sweetspot - that illusive area where the realism and fantasy overlaps and the mind struggles to make sense of things. At first sight i thought you had tried to photoshop an image of a chameleon. But a closer look reveals that theres more to it. It is in fact a wall painting looking so real that it had med fooled for a moment. It's like that magic moment when you wake up. Where dream and reality flows together and anything can happen.



    After watching your jumping photographer image i felt compelled to comment on one of your images that do work. This is one of them. The hippie clothes wearing child in the forest seems to appear out of nowhere. The composition works fine and the black and white conversion is good. The focal length that makes the blurry background also are well chosen. It kind of makes me think Kelly Family.

  3. Sometimes the shots at the end of a session are the ones that reach beyond the initial purpose and that might be what is going on here. A smiling woman apparently fully dressed in a swimming-pool holds enough punch to make the viewer wonder what's going on. And you have made an appealing b/w conversion to carry the story.

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