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Image Comments posted by itai


    Great capture and intense pose. I woud suggest you try to crop tighter though, maybe it would make the whole image even stronger?



    I've get a few shots like this one where to keep enough color and

    drama, I end up leaving a patch of sky blown out.


    What do people think? Does it add to the drama or discract from the

    rest of the image?



    Picture taken too early to remember exactly when but I felt it was well

    worth the effort. I've got some variations in terms of lighting but I felt the

    yellow and blue balanced well like this.

  1. You got the smoke really well, it is quite hard to have smoke appear in picutres the way we remember it. This image could be better if the locomotive was more to the right, either by leaving more stuff on the left or by cropping the tree on the right.
  2. This is a very nice sunset glow and contrasts well with the blue surrounding. I would have waited for the bird to be a little bit further from the sun (next to the palm tree where the orange starts appearing), just to keep that subject by itslef. Than again, maybe the bird did not go there!

    Dead or Alive

    Well done. The foreground trees framing the mountain and the cloud lines leading to it make this picture really captivating. It seems like the whole picture converges to focus on those distant mountains.
  3. This is my 2nd panorama (the first one wasn't worth showing ;), it

    only consists of 2 images each shot with a 22mm lens and stiched using

    Canon Photostich. The altitude and wide-angle distortion makes it feel

    like it taken on top of the world... what do you think?

    Light Cage


    Sorry, didn't know which category to chose for this one either.


    Here I tried to cage the animal lanterns between the lights on the

    pagoda and their reflections. This forced an almost square cropping.

    Outside is mostly darkness. Does it work? Any suggestions for


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