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Posts posted by roger_moseley

  1. I'm new to quality printing, but maybe lucky to have bought a 4800. I've been pleased with its quality on luster paper, so far. I had some Somerset photo enhanced cotton rag on hand and like the detail that can be achieved, if not the deep black. But to get to my question: I saw a note that implied Concord art paper was best for doing platinum-looking reproductions, but no hint where to go to find how to set up photoshop or the Quadtone RIP to achieve it. Where can I go to get more information/tutoring? Thanks.
  2. I have a new Epson 4990 and although I have been pleased with many of the scans, I am finding its DMax to be lacking. In order to avoid having too much pride in my negatives (B&W only) of all sizes from 35mm to 4x5, I found a negative that had some definite black (Ilford FP4) and small areas that were almost clear. When using the Epson driver, the histogram shows the black pretty much at the right edge with values in the 220-245 area. But the clear parts of the negative are only 1/3 of the way from the right, with values like 140-150. I would have expected something in the area of 20-50 and scaled near the left edge of the histogram. I've checked to see if I left any film over the lid glass or anything else that would diminish the light transmission and I think the scanner is good to go. Has anyone else seen this problem with compressed inputs? IF the sliders are adjusted, the output covers the full luminosity range of 10-240, but it certainly doesn't have any 'pop.'


    Is there another thread that might be more appropriate, or user group?


    Thanks for any help.

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