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Posts posted by yellowdog53

  1. <p>Hi: does anyone have any experience of this?<br>

    i have tended to avoid manufacturers' software since it has been inevitably clunky and low-featured , DPP being a case in point. I uually run a workflow from my A900 raw files which involves Bibble 5 and/or DxO Optics Pro, then CS4..<br>

    However I have heard that the Sony software is good at extracting detail and reducing noise in DRO images. can anybody who has used it seriously or anybody serious who has used it comment?<br>

    Is it worth installing and has the latest version made an strides forward?<br>

    many thanks...</p>

  2. HI:

    Help needed.

    I have a client who has asked me to prepare a slideshow to be played on an HD 40" LCD display in his waiting room.

    I have tried rendering it in Proshow producer, but it looks like crap.

    The files are all shot on a 1DS Mk II/III, so the quality is there.

    Doeas anyone know of an app that can give me sufficient quality and render to HD DVD form within itself that

    actually works?

    I owulds love to hear yout thoughts.

    O, and I am PC (VISTA).

    Regards and Thanks

  3. Guys:

    My aoplogies for the delay in getting back to you. I have beeen out of town on jobs.

    So many suggestions that I can't thank each of you personally. As i think of it there are 2 main issues:

    1 Back storage of the images already in my machine. I think this may be the nub of the problem. I have begun using MyBooks and duplicating when I import, using Lightroom, which I am going off, since it doesn't give the file quality of say Bibble or CS3, and the catalogues get flaky above 30k images. So I need to have a way of backing up all that data so I can retrieve them when needed.

    2. Forward storage. I am looking for a good downloader that will enable me to save in multiple locations, ie to NAS/server. Wouldn't it be great if you could burn at the same time. Any suggestions for good backup software?

    I really do appreciate you comments and help

    Kind Regards


  4. Hello:

    I am hoping some of you will share what you do.

    I have a burgeoning image catalogue of >120 000 images, which I need to backup

    in a way that will make them both safe and accessible. At the moment they are

    spread across 3.05 Tb of HDD space. As a working pro, I am constantly adding to


    i want ot be able to archive them safely, without using DVD ( which aren't that

    safe anyway, and I don't own a warehouse), using HDD's where possible. Currently

    I back them up to externals, which gives me a 2nd layer of protection, but I

    want to add a 3rd.

    What do the rest of you do, and what suggestions do you have? NAS? Xternal? network?

    Incidentally, before anyone asks, I use a PC.

    Kind Regards


  5. Hi:

    I wonder if anyone can help me. I am in the process of needing to create a

    jobsheet to track assignments,including travel, shooting, etc, editing and

    billing information, from booking it to sending out the invoice.Does anyone have

    a template(.doc or .xls) that I could customise or know where I can get one from

    (read: download)?

    Many thanks

  6. Hi Jorge:

    No doubt you have it sorted by now...

    My 1Ds II did it when I first got it, then it went away...

    My 1DIIn did it after 5-6000 frames ( in the middle of a wedding) and went back to Canon. It returned with a brand new shutter....( and no, I didn't put my fingers in there)

    So much for Canon "pro" quality...

  7. kevin:

    Yes, I see what you mean. The c and d: drives are 2 separate fujitsu 5400 120GB drives, although HP have partitioned off 10Gb on C: for their recovery stuff, since they will not supply a windows disc per se. Of course there is all that HP stuff running in the background.

    I went over to the Adobe forums and see that others are having similar issues to me. One of "the team" suggests keeping folders down in size, avoiding writing into xmp and using different catalogues.

    tou can read it at


    I have continued trying specific DAM software, but the only one that is as intuitive as i would like it to be is iView Media ( oops, MS Expression) Pricey, too.

  8. Hi Mark:

    When my LR (1.1)catalog exceeds 6 000 files on my laptop (HP, XP Pro, Intel dual core, 2Gb RAM, 512 graphics, it will go into a go-slow, then "unexpected quit" with an offer to tell MS ( what value that is I have no idea!) I have tried optimising the catalog, and splitting it up into different catalogs, which are then a pain to access as it requires restarting. I do write the data into xmp so CS3 Bridge can see it.

    My desktop fares little better.

    A shame, as I really like the LR interface.and Adobe have track record of sytill being there years later.

    I am surprised that people can find it stable with 60k+ images. I won't dare think of that at the moment.

  9. Hi:

    I am a pro with a burgeoning image library that has finally reached the point

    where I need to stop and take stock-literally. My memory has become too

    unreliable, to put it mildly.

    Until recently I have used Lightroom for my images, but find it is not happy

    with >6 000 files. The catalog falls over on a regular basis. I really love its

    import function,its develop mode and its output tools, but I need to

    future-proof myself, because the pile is only going to grow.LR seems quite flaky

    at the moment ( and I am running it on potent PC's.

    I have tried iMatch (too geeky), and IDimager ( slow but efficient), but have

    yet to try Portfolio and/or iView Media ( which is $$$$ to buy).

    If there is anyone who is current with P8.5 and iView 3+, I would really

    appreciate your input.

    signed: confused Antipodean

  10. Hi:

    I am a professional artist in New Zealand, contemplating purchasing a Mamiya

    645AFDII to use with a digital back for landscape Fine Art photography, and at

    the moment am looking at both the P45+ and P30+ backs. Until now I have used a

    1Ds MkII, but the image quality does not hold up above an A1 print. No I am not

    talking about res or noise, rather smoothness of tonal transition.

    I wonder if anyone has experience of both and would be willing to comment on the

    relative merits of both, with this camera and for the purpose i have outlined. I

    understand the 45 uses the Kodak chip and the 30 uses the Dalsa chip ( but I

    could be wrong).

    Many thanks

  11. Can anyone help?

    I am a professional photographer and photoeducator. I teach workshops around the

    world. I am looking for a piece of robust slideshow software that will enable me

    to present my images and teaching lectures as a set of slideshows.


    Until recently I used Opus from digitalworkshop but now they have gone into bat

    against Powerpoint, the focus of the software has changed.


    I am PC-based, but I would like to be able to do the sort of thing that the

    slideshow function in Lightroom achieves. I need to be able to output images and

    sound and to be able to cut tracks together as well as varying the length/timing

    of individual images. being able to work direct from RAW images would be really

    great as well. I do not need 243 000 cool and groovy transitions!


    In an ideal world I could run it off my (Mac) laptop, but I suppose you can't

    have everything.

    Oh yes, and a price that wasn't eye-watering would be great as well.

    many thanks

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