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adam bender

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Posts posted by adam bender

  1. <p>Hi my Sony DSLR friends, <br>

    I love to take wildlife photos and I am looking for a good zoom lens. I have a Sigma 70-300mm macro lens, but the gears are "grinding", it's loud, hardly focuses anymore and I would prefer to use it as a back-up only (mostly manual mode).<br>

    As you can imagine I am looking for a replacement for it. Any suggestions on a new lens at least 300mm or greater (the longer the zoom the better)? I'm looking to spend between $300-$500.<br>

    I have heard the Minolta Beercan is a great lens, but few are on ebay right now and seem to be limited to 210mm. I could use a 2x converter, to reach 400mm but I am afraid the quality might suffer?<br>

    Any other suggestions would be very much appreciated!<br>

    Thank you,<br>

    Adam </p>

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