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Image Comments posted by eiddwen



    Thanks for looking and please feel free to leave any comments. I took

    this at His close encounters tour and although i know this could have

    been better i absolutely love this piccie!



    Thanks for any comments and ratings. I am sure there is a way of

    deleting the date on it i just havent figured it out yet.



    when i looked out my window and saw the different clouds i thought hmmmm good photo opportunity, so opened the window and shot 3 times.

    thanks for leaving a comment





    good to see someone with a sense of humour like mine, this really brought a smile to my face!! i just hope and pray it was nt meant to be taken too seriously!!


    thanks for cheering me up!

    falling 2

    yep you are right i did like morning sky and the other piccies with the leaves!! Thanks, oh and you are right i should have zoomed in less on the clouds that day just to see if the end result would have been more spectacular!! Not to worry, i am sure I will have plenty more chances to capture that spectacular moment!!



    I took this picture of a cloud because the colour that night as the

    sun was setting seemed to bounce of the clouds! i would have like to

    have taken a sharper picture but i had it on the wrong settings!I

    like it though as it looks like the cloud is free falling out of the



    any comment are more than welcome!! Thanks!





    yep....i have seen many a splendid sunset from my bedroom window, i just can t wait to get that camera and go up north where i am sure to get some even more spectacular surroundings and effects!!


    i would love to be on top of the Cairngorms,covered in snow and getting some great shots as the sun goes down or on the banks of some of the lochs scattered around my beautiful countryside......


    there are many beautiful sunsets out there just waiting to be captured, it s just getting there that is the problem!!


    one things for sure though is i will keep trying as i am sure i can do a hell of a lot better and with the help of this site i am already learning!!



    thanks everyone who has taking the time to reply or comment!!

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