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Posts posted by nolan_ross

  1. You have a point Jeff, there are probably some valuable posts. My experience is sometimes different. I wonder why you are posting in a "vs" thread when you have such low opinions of the photographers that do post in a thread of this nature. So tell us Jeff, Why do you post and insult here? Do you think you should "ban" yourself for your behavior or should you "ban" me because I gave my opinion politely and challenge your rudeness. Yes, The film vs digital threads are interesting to me. I value those opinions that I have read and I would say that they have in some way helped me to accept digital. That and my camera club (real world) that I belong to.
  2. I like the film vs digital topics. I guess there is not much point to them but I don't see much point to any other posts out there really. Some people ask questions about this or that and sometimes they get a good answer but not usually. I think film is great myself. I don't shoot it anymore but I like it fine. I moved on to digital because there are no labs around and no film for sale (tried mail processing and did not like it). I think a person should just do what is fun and interesting to them in their hobby. Well today is a golf day so the camera stays in the bag.
  3. Jeff Bridges was introduced to photography when he was in the cheesy King Kong movie. He is now a panoramic hobbyist photographer. (film). I hope Miley Cyrus does well. Her name should open doors for her in the photo world. Kind of a shocker when Joaquin Phoenix decided to give up acting for music..Maybe the acting business is not as wonderful as it seems.
  4. I have not seen rumors about it but it makes sense to me because it would work (or maybe not). A mini medium format sounds perfect to me. Small enough for hiking and usable on exisiting tripods that we all have already..It would be a fun thing. Great for the Portrait folks also and using our existing lenses..Don't anyone make this into a rumor because I am just doing the dreaming thing.
  5. I think a darkroom would be much more fun than photoshop for sure. It would be a great hobby but with kids in college I cannot afford another big hobby. But the real fun in photography for me is not the camera type or things to buy for it but rather it's the going places and getting out of the house. On the what is cheaper thing I figure there are many way to add it up. For me the least expensive thing to do is not buy more stuff. I do not make ink prints myself so cartridges are not an expense. I usually have prints made at CostCo or Mpix.com..However I just make prints when I have a need for them..

    The American cars were pretty good back in the day but for me I need reliability and fuel efficiency these days...I have a Civic that works out great. It's never needed a repair so far and gets 38mpg on the highway which is nice for driving to Yosemite, Big Sur and places that I go to take pictures. My next car will probably be one with more technology like a Prius or something like that. I think the American cars are more interested in SUV's, big trucks and stuff which I don't want even for free. When the kids were growing I had a series of MinnieVans. They were real expensive with continuous repairs, brake jobs and poor milage. I don't want that again, that's for sure.

  6. Two guys standing side by side taking pictures using the same type gear. One guy is making Art and the other guy is shooting snapshots. Some of you think of these guys as artists and some of you think of them as guys taking pictures. I think of photography as a craft or skill. Sometimes art but rarely.
  7. Dan, same situation. I shot 5K pictures this year. Many of them I like a lot. With film I probably would have shot a

    few hundred. For me a roll of 35mm film ran about $10.00 for the film and a low quality scan. There have been many

    threads on this line of thought but for me I need a computer and photoshop anyway. Since I am not a camera body

    upgrade person the D200 will pay for itself over and over many times.

  8. Chevy was the best in the50's and 60's. It is a no brainer. The 70's brought low quality cars and an opening for imports. Now Ford and Chevy's are begging for welfare. I suppose they will get it but they will just squander the money on obscene waste while their product line remains non competitive. The most popular camera out now is the cell phone and it's doing serious damage to the disposable film camera..
  9. I was in Target yesterday and looked at the film selection. Only Fuji 200,400,800 and some disposable camera's.

    They have no Kodak film, no film camera's for sale at all. They do have a low quality photo lab that will develop your

    35mm film after scanning to digital. I would say it's hit bottom around here. I have a brand new copy of shutterbug

    that I picked up at the market last night. Going over toBHPhoto they have 1/3 page of film advertisements and 2/3rd

    page of film cameras. There are 10 camera's there and 2 are digital anyway. The two Nikon camera's are

    discontinued. So that leaves 6 in production (not sure about that) camera's advertised. Compare that to to many

    digital camera's to count and you find a film meltdown.. Oh all the local professional photographer's they are all

    shooting digital now. I know them all or about them. The reason for it is that digital offers high quality imaging,

    directly interactive with your computer, thumb drive, ipod and other digital devices that now consume our lives..As

    much as people feel you have to photoshop everything you acutally do not. My daughter's digital point and shoot

    gets printed straight from her memory card. The images look fine. They have good white balance, sharp enough but

    not great and very accurate colors. She can upload her images, shoot vidio and share her pictures easily with

    anyone in the world. She does not want an expensive film camera, long drives and wait times to a cost co for

    developing and scanning and then computer downloading and all that. No the film thing is not what people want

    anymore. I am talking about the average person and not a high end hobbyist like you folks that are shooting film with

    great results. Film is going down, but not all the way. Nothing completely vanishes. But I see that is kind of good

    because that makes film photographers more interesting. It's also very bad for those that lose their jobs or those that

    have personalitities that have to hang on to yesterday and are not willing to move on with new stuff. We are all like

    that in some ways. I refuse to give up my Vinyl.

  10. Well Bruce, you have a great thing going for you. I have not ever known anyone with a color darkroom before..Good

    for you...I think that someone that can take their images from snap to print themselves is doing a great thing. I am

    not talking about photoshop. It works well but it's just computer work. I had a problem with an old computer that

    would not manage RAW files but I knew if I bought one then the kids would take it over with games, my space and

    all that. I finally did and they did as I expected. I must admit if there were at least one good lab in my area I would

    shoot medium format. I had a Mamiya 645 and thought it was great but over time it became crazy expensive to

    shoot for lab fees, mail charges and so on. I finally sold it along with my 35mm stuff. I think about large format B/W

    at times but it would cost a lot for all the gear and a darkroom and I do not know what to do with the chemicals..I

    went to the hazardous materials place in town and they said I should put it all in containers and bring it to them. That

    seems really hard to me. But nice talking to you. Keep up with your photography and stay out of the computer.

    Kicking around the idea of going back to school when I retire and majoring in Art..My wife thinks I should..I wonder if I

    could play on a small college golf team as a retired guy?

  11. I am with Bruce. The two formats are both excellent. Film for fun, nostalgia and grain and Digital for Prints, quality and speed. They are both really great...Just kidding actually and was laughing at Bruce's post which is obviously intended to spark another 300 posts about film vs digital. I think folks that do not want to discuss film vs digital can just not open the thread at all. I love film myself but there are no labs around anymore so I just shoot digital. But I actually have nothing negative to say about film..(lol)
  12. I shot a lot of slide film/print film over the years. I always liked it. Now I shoot digital and I like it to. Digital suits my

    needs better since there are no labs or film around anymore. I figure a professional (whatever that would be) will

    shoot whatever he needs to get the job done. I do not want to be a professional photographer as It would be a good

    way to ruin a perfect hobby.

  13. After some thought on it I would not be interested in the FX sensor. I have invested in DX lenses and finanicially it

    makes sense to stay with that system. I am a hobbyist and the greatest enjoyment I receive is the adventure of

    going places to shoot such as Yosemite or Big Sur etc, etc...The DX system I have provides me with quality that I

    am very pleased with and I would not really be interested in investing in more gear..I am interested in going to more

    places to see and shoot...

  14. I have never tried the pistol grip so I cannot comment. Bogen makes good products so it would surely work within the weight limits advertised. The center column being used horizontal is not critical, but I think I use mine mostly when shooting small objects on the kitchen table. It allows me to get the camera over the table edge. If I did not have that feature I would not lose any sleep over it, however I do use it from time to time..The one feature I do use a lot is the legs going out wide..Sometimes when shooting landscape I cannot find a solid footing for all three legs so I will move one leg out quite a bit to a rock or something and then shorten the other two..I love that feature..I actually really love my Bogen tripod but it's kind of heavy for long hikes. Sometimes I leave it at home and take a mini bogen and sometimes I will put a sling on it and hike all day with it. Depends on my goals.
  15. If people enjoy somthing enough they will spend money on it if they have it to spend. I spin vinyl myself and enjoy it but my system is ordinary. I also enjoy shopping for new or used vinyl. I think snobbery is a personality trait..but I do not think vinyl is better or worse then CD's or ipods it's just another way to listen to music. I do not think digital is better or worse then film and feel they are both just ways to photograph stuff..To each their own. It doesn't really make much difference what a hobbyist shoots. It's really about what is fun and interesting to the photographer. I do hope film will hang in there for the film folks. Time will tell. Who knows maybe film will outlast digital..I think vinyl will turn out to outlive the Cd but not digital music.
  16. I have a bogan 3001 with medium ball head 486RC2. It holds everything fine. It is shorter than the 3221 pod. It has features like the legs will go flat out or the extension can go in sideways or upside down. Useful stuff actually. It is not a current model. The tripod was replaced buy the link below. You can get this model with a panhead or ballhead as you want..For vidio I think the panhead would be better and for still photography I like the ballhead..



  17. Digital shooters are not threatened by film users. I think in the enthusiast crowd you have a large percentage of users that shoot both. Besides this is not a film vs digital forum and there is a lot of posts here but I do not see anyone saying film is a poor choice. I think I am the only one that is saying they do not shoot film. In actuality if there was a lab nearby I would have never sold my medium format camera. I thought it was great but the cost of film+ mail order scanning was about $22.00 a roll (total cost) and I just don't have the pocket book for it. Kids in college keep me pinched. That is also why I am going to shoot the D200 for years to come. So anyway I believe it's really about how much longer will film last. It seems the general concensus is a downward slide until it levels out. I think I am the only one that thinks it might disappear nearly completely due to lack of labs to process. The only ones that will use it are the very determined and independent photographers. Possibly the B/W photographer has the best chance of being supported because you do not depend on the labs or mini labs. Of course my opinion is only speculation with no facts.
  18. I think it makes since to use whatever it is you enjoy. Maybe digital or film, vinyl (my favorite), tube radios, CD's or whatever. I don't see it makes any difference as long as it works out for you..I am finished with film but that's because there are no labs around so I shoot digital (I like it fine). I figure film will pretty much vanish due to lack of supporting labs (I don't know when of course). I suppose it will always be around in some fashion as it seems things always hang on somehow. I wish I could afford a tube amp for my turntable..That would really be fun and enjoyable for me..There available but pricey.
  19. While not taking pictures yesterday (playing golf instead) I suddenly thought of what would happen if the S76 (and LR44 etc etc) batteries were discontinued. Then I got to thinking what would happen if my D200 battery was discontinued. I think both of those batteries are very safe but it just made me think that there are a lot of links in a chain to photography (not just batteries but camera's, film, labs, chemicals, paper etc, etc) that can break and bring it to a screeching halt.


    The photo guy at Gilroy Cost Co said the only thing holding C41 processing together at Cost co is the disposable camera and that Cost Co would drop C41 processing when the profit margin is gone. He said even the disposable camera business is diminishing due to the cell phone camera.

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