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Image Comments posted by grh



    The mill itself is interesting, and certainly the story of why it's surrounded by water begs some questions.
    But the image itself doesn't seem to address any of that.
    The slight tilt of the mill is, indeed, interesting, but not enough to be unnerving. The clouds are unfortunately blown out, so their definition is lost. I find the placement of the building within the frame unsettling: neither close enough to nor far away from horizontal center. And vertical position seems quite weak.
    The building is far too dark; very difficult to discern detail, especially that of the vanes. I'm also not sure I care for the head-on approach to the building. And the mountains on the horizon are simultaneously too much and not enough.
    Not seeing much here that I'd be satisfied with, were it mine.



    The DOF, lighting and pose are wonderful. As a musician, I feel you've really captured the essence of the artist.


    I'm not sure I'm completely satisfied with the position of the camera, however. I'd like the camera to be looking either precisely down the center of the fretboard (it's not, but rather between the G and B strings), or about 2-3 inches to the right, still aimed toward the sound hole. Or just to the left so that I could see all of the the right thumbnail just next to the knuckles of the right hand. I do like getting some of the right arm in the crop, tho.


    I believe that you have the skill and vision to deeply explore this subject. It would wonderful to see more.



    In the end, I _love_ this photo.


    I initially felt that the crop was less than optimal, thinking that perhaps the bottom should be cropped where the grass is dark (within the bottom edge of the shadow). This would put the the horizon line nearer the middle, then, resulting in a wider image. And that still might be an attractive approach.


    But the more I look at this one, the more I enjoy it. Congratulations on a wonderful image. Thank you for sharing.


    The crab on the ring is the astrological sign for Cancer, I believe. I see the ring as symbolizing a relationship, and view the entire work as a eulogy for someone that's been lost to self-inflicted illness.

    Flood plain

    Love it. Did you desaturate or otherwise adjust the colors, or was this due to the light? In any event, the overall lightness with the bits of color makes for a lovely composition.

    Fall Leaves

    The execution is superb; very 3-dimensional. I do think the lighting is a bit harsh, seeming to wash out the colors in the leaves. Overall very well done.


    Overall, I really like the composition and pose. There's an atmosphere captured here that is engaging and caught my attention right away. I would like to see a bit more detail in his face, but overall well done.


    The forms are very nice. I would have liked more margin at the bottom and left, to avoid cutting off parts. Midday sun is perhaps not ideal, but I do like the composition.
  1. Enjoy the way you've captured the shape of the hall, and the line of trees that we sense continues out of the frame (in both directions). Would suggest cropping out the distracting branches in the upper right corner. You might also consider adjusting for more detail in the shadows of the building front, but overall nice.
  2. There's something about the path that distracts me, keeps drawing my eye over to the left edge. The trees and reflection are quite nice, but the dark and light areas don't seem balanced to me. I think this is a good setting and good raw material, and I want to be drawn into the scene. But I'm not. I'm no pro, just sharing my impressions.


    Echo the Van Gogh allusion; I had unconsciously thought the same before I read the above. Lovely colors, oil painting-like form and texture. Very nice.

    Boo !

    Would prefer a tight crop on the sculpture to eliminate the flag (above) and roof (on right). $0.02. I'm an beginner at this stuff.
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