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Posts posted by cindy_may

  1. I received a lomo fisheye camera earlier this year as a late birthday present and have already put a couple rolls through the camera. Overall, not overly impressed with the results. For one thing, every photo contains quite a lot of the lens in the picture. You need to stand pretty close to your subject to ensure proper distortion. Most of my pictures were failed attempts because I was standing too far away in which case the camera simply framed the object but didn't distort it. I've only attempted to use the flash a couple times, but it didn't do very well at properly lighting the room, but then I guess I shouldn't expect it to. I think the fisheye is more suited to taking outside pictures.


    So far, I have found the best subjects to be cars (both from the front and sides), forests and skyscrapers (and perhaps other buildings taken up close).


    I can't see myself using this camera nearly as much as my Lomo Pop 9 which has probably had nearly that many (9) rolls through it in the last few years I've owned it.

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