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Posts posted by akbar

  1. Thanks all for your responses.


    But, coming back to my original question -


    I am really interested in the comparing PictureProject RAW conversions to CaptureNX RAW conversions.


    So far a lot of you have responded with comparisons of NX and ACR (which were also very helpful), and only one person has stated that NX is 1000X more sophisticated than PP.


    Does anyone have any experience comparing NX to PP RAW conversions??


    Yes - I will do this myself, but I am waiting to get my D200 - estimated delivery in a week.


    Thanks again.

  2. Hi,


    I am a new DSLR owner. I was wondering how the PictureProject RAW conversions

    compare to Nikon CaptureNX. I understand that the Nikon converters are superior

    to Adobe ACR. But If I only want to use the Nikon software for the RAW

    conversions, and then use CS2 for the post-processing work, is it really worth

    it to pay the extra $150 for NikonCaptureNX, as opposed to just using

    PictureProject that came with the camera. Am I missing something here. Thanks in




  3. Services@photonet,


    Thanks for bringing to my attention the problem of the two accounts. The two email IDs are aliases and I actually did not realise that I had two accounts. Most probably I had opened another account during my early days in photonet and then forgot about it and opened another one. Anyway, The account in PN that I use and that I have all my images, etc, in is dbarua@syr.edu. It seems I am in the circles on my other account. I have not used that account and don't have any images on that. I actually cannot even access it (don't know/remember the password). Would it be possible to change my ID in the circles to dbarua@syr.edu? would it also be possible to delete the other account to avoid any further confusion. Sorry for the bother. Thanks,



  4. To services @photonet,


    This is regarding posting images for critique in the newly formed

    circles. I was informed that I was included in the Blossfeldt/nature

    circle. I understand that one cannot post an image for citique request

    twice because the circles submissions are piggybacking on the

    exsisting critique request system, where you are allowed only one

    submission. When I try to submit an image the only option

    available is "not a circle photo" for me. Note that I am able to post

    the same image for the regular critique request as I have not posted

    any of my previous images for critique requests (except for removing

    the tick on the "i do not want to submit this photo for critique" box

    while uploading the images). It may be related - or just another

    unrelated issue but on my workspace under the 'your critique circles'

    heading, it says that I am not currently a member of a Critique

    Circle. Is it possible that the system is not recognizing me as a

    circle member?





  5. Brian/services@photonet,


    Sorry to bring this up again, but I actually have not posted any of my previous images for critique requests (except for removing the tick on the "i do not want to submit this photo for critique" box while uploading the images). I am still unable to use those images (all my images) for the circles. Does it have to be a new (recently - as in some cut off date) image to be eligible for critique request in the circles? It may be related - or just another unrelated issue but on my workspace under the 'your critique circles' heading, it says that you are not currently a member of a Critique Circle. Is this the right place to address this issue - or should I be using some other forum??

    Sorry for the bother.





  6. Brian/other admin/volunteers,


    Is there any specific place we can post general questions regarding the circles?


    For example like one of the earlier posters I was not able to include any of my already uploaded images for critique to the circles - the only available option was "not a cirle photo". However unlike the above poster, I have not requested critiques for any of my images. Can we only request critiques for newly uploaded images? or ones that have not been posted for critique requests? If there are restrictions - any chance you might consider relaxing them. There are several of my already uploaded images that I would love to get some serious critique on from circle members.

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