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Posts posted by norm_vargas

  1. The mistake most people make with Night Shot mode is using the Hoya R72 filter. It is a great filter for film and cameras without Night Shot, but unusable without ND filters in Night Shot mode and full sunlight. A filter with a 50% cutoff rating of 850nm-1000nm is what is required for sunlight photos. These are easily found on ebay for $30-50, including shipping. I used an F707 today with a 950nm filter and it worked beautifully at an ISO of 100 or 200 and shutter speeds around 1/30 or 1/60 at f/2-2.4. No other filters or exposure compensation required. Manual control other than focusing was not possible, but the camera handled exposures well and was not an issue otherwise. Avoid stacking filters to avoid vignetting at the corners. Good luck.
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