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Image Comments posted by smartpix

    Autumnal Square


    ... and even the mast on the distant hillside does not detract from nature's majesty. Who needs to fly abroad when our own lands are so green and pleasant?


    Nice work, William. Don't suppose you wrote a poem about it too? Smile. First time you've heard that one today, eh?


    Take a look at my autumn shots of Yorkshire from last year if you're interested.



    Rose in the Mist


    Maybe a premonition of the world after the bomb... I like the hope in the flower in this post-Armageddon shot. Here's hoping it stays a photographic trick, eh?



    Purple Haze


    Nice shot, John.


    The depth of colour is fantastic, and the mood created by the shot is great. Is it a real rose or some fabric creation?





    I have to say this is not one of your best shots, Steve. I reminds me of the many occasions when I've been to places and the light is all wrong for a picture, the sky is doing me no favours and I can't get to the place I'd like to be to take the picture I want to take.


    Your photo doesn't really tell me a story about the scene or say what you liked about it. It just seems to fill the frame with what was there - mostly trees with their least interesting coat on - and nothing is really very sharp.


    An autumn shot from here with some colour in the trees would be good. Maybe a polarising filter would have helped on this one as the haze seems to dull everything and leave a flat photo.


    On the plus side, you have some much better stuff in your collection.


    Thanks for sharing.





    This looks great but is puzzling. Is it multiple exposures or a composite or fiddled in Photoshop or a combination?


    Enlighten us, please!


    Thanks for sharing, however you created it.



    Rainy Day

    I love the multiple tones and colours in this shot. You can almost smell that "just after the rain" smell from looking at this.

    Is it REALLY Melbourne? Wouldn't have guessed that. I'd have said Belgium, maybe!Thanks for sharing.

    All comments, ratings and criticisms on my pictures always welcome.



    This is a great shot of an interesting subject. You can see his (probably hard) life oozing out of the picture and his eyes look happy.

    Beautifully shot, with great light, depth of field and tones. Well done and thanks for sharing.

    All comments, ratings and criticisms on my pictures always welcome.




    The curious lighting makes this look like a scene from a play with a painted backdrop. Care to tell us more about the time of day and any other conditions, techniques to capture this?


    Addition after looking at your portfolio: Wow - four crackers. A treat in store for us all if all your shots are this standard.


    A very warm welcome to PN.





    Good to hear from you. Keep popping into your collection to see what you're up to - besides reproducing!


    Don't know if you've tried it, but these flowers are a pig to photograph because they just ooze light. Not sure the colour representation of this is quite what my eyes see but I liked it anyway.







    It is a bit wonky, isn't it!


    I hadn't noticed. See if you like the one I've attached any better after Photoshop straightening.


    Thanks for taking an interest and I'm glad you found something you like.





  1. I don't mind ratings at all. Just find them a bit simplistic and prefer to give and receive comments that expand on someone's views... So thanks for taking the trouble.

    (New readers see our exchange on Jamie's photo.)

    Anyway, the picture - the concrete structures on the left and in the foreground are part of what I believe to be the water pumping station (or some such) for the reservoir. The structure on the right is the dam wall and the traffic you can see running along it is on the trans-Pennine M62 motorway.

    The colour shot I've attached was taken on the same day from a higher vantage point and shows my explanation more clearly.

    Thanks for taking an interest in my pictures. I hope you got some pleasure from them.


  2. I think this one is George!

    OK, so now we've got your attention, don't just pass on - you MUST look at the rest of Sachin's massive collection of shots from around the world (and especially the eastern part of it). You'll miss a treat if you don't.

    Anyway, this shot. Bit messy, I think. And a frog picture with no eyes! My guess is you took dozens more shots at the same time and just liked this for the colour patterns on George.

    Thanks for sharing.

    All comments, ratings and criticisms on my pictures always welcome.


  3. The most interesting bits of shopping centres are often above the shops, I find...

    This was taken in St Ann's Square, Manchester, England.

    I thought the shops underneath were boring and visually messy in comparison. What do YOU think?

    All comments, ratings and criticisms on my pictures always welcome.



    Mmmm... bit on the dark side, even for this kind of effect. The revised version just has the levels tweaked in Photoshop Elements (pretty cheap if you haven't got something like it and invaluable for fixing mistakes!)

    All comments, ratings and criticisms on my own pictures always welcome.

    I've posted lots of flower shots in the last few days.


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