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Image Comments posted by uneboite



    Well, I dont care about the blurs and I actually like the fact it is dark, it gives the pic an interresting mood where it could have been a dull clinical shot. Also I like the tiny white spots that we can see along the lines.


    Theme fit in my opinion.


    Very original!



    Behind you


    First I thought some people here were on drugs but after reading all the comments (including the one following the link) I finally got it.


    Personnaly I never say no to a good mice if it is well cooked (to follow the spirit of the other comments).





  1. Seven this is the end of an underpass made of large concrete structures.

    That day there was sun and rain at the same time, a few moments after this shot I've seen a wonderfull full half-circle rainbow. The water is probably

    after-rain water pourring from wholes in the concrete above us.


    This is in my experiment folder, I put pictures there that I've digitally altered. The original version shows the wall continuing and dull buildings in the far. There were also people walking... It is a commercial zone with lots of stores...


    I felt that altered like that, it represented how I felt at the time, not knowing where I was coming from or going to.


    I joined a pic (not very esthetic but informational) of a part of the rainbow

    just beyon the underpass (you can still see the concrete).


    Best regards





  2. Hi Pnina!


    Before I read your comment about how the shadow was "menacing" I had a different "reading" of this image.


    It strikes me how athletic this person looks. Her shoulders are strong and

    angular. She is a woman but with some impression of masculinity (or at least

    ingredients we often associate with masculinity). The shadow behind her seems to be of a more fragile being. Or if not fragile, not as strong as the real person.


    So to me it seemed like some projection of a lost part, hidden part of her soul.

    Or something like that.


    Ok ok I'll lay on a couch and try to analyse that...


    Best regards





    Behind you


    All three shots are very interresting Seven, "behind you" "earlier" and "this" :)


    But I shall say that my heart falls more for the "this" link.

    Only watching the picture hypnotizes me, I can figure you didn't want to leave the site...


    (no I'm not too wet, I always dress properly when I have a look at peoples portfolio, one never knows...)





  3. Hi Jana! What a nice portrait!


    Very good, intense expression. The eyes...

    I like the toothpick a lot, it breaks (in a good way)

    the "killer look" a bit.


    Wonderfull skin tones. The white washed highlights are ok for my taste.


    Best regards




  4. Hi Seven! Thanks for passing by!


    That's how I felt at the moment I took this: nowhere, don't know if coming or going, to where I don't know and yes with these two artefacts (bag, fan), to have the whole thing a bit more surrealist.



    Very nice picture PT.


    I just wonder if it fits the theme. Lets just say that it pushes my definition of texture.


    Nice composition.


    I would change two (very) tiny things:

    I don't understand why the "tail" on lower left is so close to the corner without touching it. Either I would put it straight on corner, or a bit more above it.

    In the backgroud there is a spot brigther than the others that attract a bit of attention, I would make it darker.


    Anyway, it is very gorgeous, the light is very nice and the whole thing conveys a feeling of peace and calm.


    Well done PT.


  5. Personally I think it is a theme fit.


    But technically I agree with Megan about the DOF: for a texture theme we should see more texture thant that. I would have also prefered if the center focus was on the letters not on the small piece of wood.


    I like the idea, though.





  6. Well there's a lot of textures here. The type almost everybody has some sorts of memories about...


    I like this simple yet efficient picture with its soft light and diagonal composition that makes your eyes scan it from lower left to upper right.


    It always has a name, what's hers?


    : )





    What a nice picture PT!


    I like:

    -the composition (a lot)

    -the monochrome tones

    -the subject

    -the "lines", all of them


    I don't know why but this pic emanates warmth even though it is rendered in a cold color. At the same time it is a high contrast but still it convey (to me)

    an impression of peace. Probably because of the power of the subject, a nice

    hand, which seems to have gone thru many fights in life. Or at least that's how my brain interpret it...


    My only -so small- nit pick is I'm not sure about the tiny piece of texture

    we see left to the thumb, it seems to be different than the rest of the background and it breaks -very softly- the harmony of this beautifull







    I agree with the above comment here. The texture is more graphical, a result of the exposure time, than the actual texture of the objects shot.


    It gives delicate and "artistic" results (I cannot find a better word).


    Just for fun I've pushed it a bit on the curves, rotated the yellows towards greens and boost saturation. Hope you don't mind.






    A theme fit in my opinion.


    Composition-wise I prefer Dominique's version. For the reasons she gave.


    I like the monochromatic aspect "broken" by the colors of the leaf.



  7. Hi Chitra, nice to hear from you!


    I'm glad you enjoy this pic.


    I unfortunately cannot come back on

    the wall exposition, it is white-washed, but I definitely see

    what you mean here. Thanks for the idea.


    Sometime nothing happens in your life. Then one day it seems like you have

    20 opportunities at the same time on 20 different aspects of your life.

    With as much choices to make... This pic is my way to convey how I feel in such moments.


    Best regards.





    Nice pic.


    Crop-wise I'm with Chitra here: I would have prefered to see the full shoe.


    Nice textures here.The highlights are okay to my own taste. It always depend with wich monitor you look at this pic I guess...





    I agree with Chitra about the sharpness.


    I think the composition can be improved too.


    This pic contains interresting elements.


    I like the grey tonalities.


    To me it is a theme fit.






    I agree with all the above. Also I like how the dark clouds close the composition in the top of the frame.


    Without the dog it would make a good cover for Albert Camus "The Stranger".









    Good theme fit.


    Technically, the centered composition gives a more "stable" impression.

    Emphasized by the square format. Just for fun have you tried a less centered

    composition? Maybe just little offsets.


    I don't understand why you used a selective DOF (well maybe because of the macro and/or the available light). If it was a deliberate choice why only show a part of the texture?




  8. Shalom Pnina, a very refreshing sequence!


    It's always a learning experience to look at your work.


    The second, third and fourth stages have very few but rich colors (the others have more). I've always prefered images with few different colors. Not monochrome but not far from it.


    I like the compositions and also the textures from the tires threads (in fact all the textures in the sand).


    Best regards







    This is a very nice portrait, but two things could make it better.

    First Imho it should be recomposed to crop the right side where the background "ends". Behind the model there is a curtain or a tree taking the role of the background, but far right we see something behind this background and it detracts the feeling of closeness.


    Second, still in my very humble opinion, this image can be improved in its tones. Everything is grey. There's nothing wrong with greys, but this image is not a high key, a low key nor a normal exposition. So I think it would help to have more contrast, brigthness or something. It's like it is in the middle of everything.


    Best regards





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