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Image Comments posted by joramgall

  1. An uncompromisingly provocative and intriguing image, perceptively seen and composed from the wider context. I particularly warmed to the gingerbread head and outstretched arms in the centre right diagonal half of the frame. Notwithstanding these qualities I remained dissatisfied. My dissatisfaction sprang from two concerns: first abstractions often benefit from the textural variations in the different parts of the composition and I felt that with sharper focus and a tighter depth of field the contrasted textures of sand and rock would have added a dimension to the abstract shapes. Also, a stronger and heavier contrast between the light sand and dark rock would have intensified the abstract and dramatic shapes of the composition. It would be interesting to know the PPP to assess the scope for further development of the image to assess whether changes would have enhanced and strengthened the impact of the image.
  2. This is a delightful and dramatic shot: the silhouette of the form of the cave mouth matching the horizontal spread of the contrasted sunlit snow capped mountains. Also, there is the wonderful timing for the ?decisive moment? where you have captured the mountaineers raised boot. Terrific. A memorable image. Many thanks.



    Came across these old beached "sisters" on the Isle of Mull. I liked

    the vegetation in the forground to contrast with the melancholy of

    the hulks. Would appreciate any comments from colleagues. Many




    Caught this reflection in the summer sunshine in a window of the

    museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and liked the contrast between the

    sharp sandstone building and the slightly distorted image of the

    rooflines. What do others think? COmments welcome.



    Hope that this might be of interest and would welcome comments. It

    shows the reflections (including the photographer) in the pendulum of

    a fantasy clock housed in the main hall of the original Victorian

    Musuem of Scotland, Edinburgh. Thanks for your time and any comments.

  3. There are several commendable features in this shot: the appropriateness of the overall composition to the subject matter - you have captured the brooding loneliness of the location (shame about the Van but these things happen!);the interesting sky and the rendering in B&W are powerful. Having said this there are several issues: first, the castle itself is not as sharp as I would wish in order to have it stand out from the background/setting and, personally, I would be inclined to boost the degree of contrast in the tonal range. It is difficult to comment without knowing how the image has been manipulated - if it has? Has it been rendered in B&W with PS? If so what method of desaturation did you use? Hope that these comments might be helpful. Many thanks for sharing your evocative image.
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