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Image Comments posted by fsb

  1. Find I am really pleased with my photos, until I come on to this site

    and get re-calibrated. Then feel like my photos are missing

    something - a pow factor. Anyone offer any advice? Many thanks for

    your comments and critiques.

  2. I like this picture, because she is dressed so grown up, but the look on her face looks quite nervous and innocent. I also like the way you have got the background out of focus, which emphases her look - like she's nervous and in her own thoughts. Not sure that makes sense, but I just wanted to say what I saw in this picture. very good.

    rockwood 6


    Hello. I was drawn to your picture and debating whether to comment, and then I saw your surname, so thought I should at least say Hi.

    Shame about the glare on the top middle of the screen, but hard to avoid I guess. What I do love is the way you used the trees to break up the sky. I've been having lots of difficulty with grey skies and I like the idea of using the trees to break it up. Nice moody image.

  3. Thanks for that. I was having a bit of trouble with the composition that day - the rock is actually one I placed there (you can see the marks from my footprints to the right of it!). But yes think it would have been better a bit off centre. Glad you like it.

    Omaha Beach

    I really like this picture. I wonder what you think of it with the bottom section cropped so that you don't see the marks in the sand. It is very lovely though. I've been sitting here with it on my PC screen for about 10 mins now, just staring at it & daydreaming.


    Wonderful picture. The sort that just draws you in and you realise you have been looking at it for ages. Love the symmetry and the way your eye is just drawn in, made more so that the sky is lighter towards the centre. Stunning.

    by the sea

    I think this is wonderful. The sort of picture I could look at for hours. Just makes me think about those men, what are they looking at, what's their story. I can't really comment on any technical aspect of the photo (I'm a beginner!!!) but in terms of the subject, I really like this.

    Photo Exhibition

    I really like this because the little boy in the picture on the wall looks like he is looking out of the picture. I don't know if that was the intent, and maybe I've misunderstood the picture, but I really like it.



    I know the sky is a little overexposed, but was wondering what else

    I could to to improve it. It's nearly bluebell time again here so

    wanted to have a better stab at it this year. Thanks for any advice.


    I'm not a great spider fan, but this picture is really good. I do like the way the background is so out of focus but you can still make out the trees and the blue sky, and the spider is so clear. Very nice - even with the spider!!
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