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Image Comments posted by pollolo

    bag in tree 4

    this is one of a series of photos of plastic bags that are caught inthe branches of trees. i find that these everyday discarded items canhave an almost mystical quality when looked at in a certainway.

    the image is not really manipulated, it's just thenegative with high contrast.

    any comments?

    bestwishes, iju

    VE day

    hi jamie,

    many thanks for your kind comments and suggestion. I've tried cutting the image as you suggested and agree that it looks better (click on the link below).
    I also much like your photos.
    Best wishes, Iju
  1. thanks for your interest Don.

    what you can see is waterlilies, pondweed and buttercups. they have been photographed from two slightly different positions and the two images then subtracted from each other. hope this helps - but I'm afraid it won't make the image look any better if you don't like it!
    Best wishes, Iju Pollolo

    VE day


    This was taken from a train travelling north from London. These

    planes were flying as part of the VE day celebrations and appeared

    to get stuck on the power cables. The contrast has been adjusted.

    Harsh critiques welcome!


    i think that a lot of your other photographs are great, especially the black and white ones, but cannot see any artistic merit in these photos of cars. in my opinion these objects lack architectural quality and would look much more beautiful if they were broken and trashed....but each to their own!


    i love how the brighest light falls on the seaweed and think this is a really original image. if you don't mind me being slightly critical, the image might have been even better if you'd avoided cutting so many stones around the margin, but that's just my opinion!

    bird view

    i love the tones and the composition. if you don't mind me being slightly critical, the cloud formations could be a little more interesting, but you can't make the weather!
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