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Image Comments posted by sony

    The Cobbler


    A thousand words don?t seem sufficient when looking at these hands. I

    sat with him and chatted for over an hour. I watched him work as we

    spoke. It seemed I could glean his life in his warn, strong,

    undefeated hands. The many cuts, now scars, he endured helping to feed

    his family. The 18-20hr days he worked, as a child, during WWII, were

    there to see. "There were restrictions on goods, so the cobbler was a

    major part of people?s lives." He said with some longing. He showed me

    a worn photo, with a corner missing and a crease from folding at some

    point. The photo was captured sometime it the late forties, and showed

    shoes stacked floor to ceiling consuming one complete wall of his

    small cluttered shop. We spoke of this throw away society and shared a

    moment of silence. I can?t be sure, but I think we were experiencing

    the same thoughts. My thoughts drifted to things we give/gave up in

    our rush toward technology. A world which judge?s individuals worth by

    net, jewelry or the car one drives. I had a strong sense of melancholy

    when I thought of the names of my children?s heroes, Puffy, Cristina

    or JLo.


    His name is Lou, he has four sons. He?s now pushing eighty and still

    works ten hours a day, six on Saturday. "I take Sunday off to chase

    the wife around the house." "Chuckles."


    Lou is shown here resizing the strap on a womans shoe.


    I submit this photo for all the fathers/mothers who work their fingers

    to the bone for their children.


    YOU are the heroes.

  1. Thanks guys.


    I didn't have a choice on the mic Mark. I didn't add it in or anything. This was a live shot. I had little choice over the light. I could change the color, but that's what I saw when I shot it.



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