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mike ortega

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Image Comments posted by mike ortega



    nice pick. Good shine -not blown out. good defined areas like the nick and hands.

    Shadows can be tough, this one makes it look easy.

    Portu II

    Like many architectural shots I see on this site the framing is good but the centering is off. It creates a pull or curve in the lines that work against the the balnce and the border. Next time take more time to center yourself. Otherwise, nice shot
  1. This one should come as a lesson to you and to all that think that you have an automatic right to take pictures of people in public. I believe that if this guy was 30 years younger he would have probably kicked your ass for taking his picture. There is a real sence of invasion of privacy in this picture that is obvious. The sneeky little shooters in the background are aware that you have crossed the line are appear to be waiting for something to go down. I think this picture is a true violation of this man's privacy and you should be more in tune to what you should and should not do. Just because he is old and a bit comical does not give you the right to do this. A sad moment in street photography.


    This one gives the eye something figure out. It is wet but appears to me that it is also just lubricated skin of an insect. Also the highs are good
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