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Image Comments posted by erskine_hewett


    This is one of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen. The most incredible thing for me is the contrast between the bright colour and ordered beauty of the flowers and the dull, chaotic twigs and shoots just behind. And the emphasis and movement provided by the sweeping, receeding railings is wonderfully dramatic. I am also very impressed by the way you have almost invisibly tilted the horizon to make the composition work so well. My heartfelt congratulations! 7/7
  1. Absolutely, and thank you Herman. I can see a bit of John Constable, and I like that, but the fact that the work does not rise higher reinforces my belief that the intent in a work always shines through - it's just a nice picture of nice bends from a motorcyclist's point of view - with a touch of John Constable.
  2. I am an artist, jewellery-maker, and motorcyclist. I bought my first

    camera (at age 57) a few months ago to photograph my jewellery. I

    have also made a self-portrait and a couple of seascapes. I took

    some photos of roads where I ride for a motorcycle website. I think

    this one has a touch of Constable, my favourite artist as a child.

    Can you image riding a Ducati through these bends?


    A very good image. Your work is very natural and exciting. Something tells me you could infuse even more energy, and then it would be superlative. 6/5

    In Motion

    This wonderful image contradicts the laws of gravity. She is floating by ... Hard to fault - except, why not colour, and a larger frame would have made it even better. 6/6


    There is much excellent material here, especially in the colours and tones, which I feel could have been use to make a much better image - but what really beats me is the crazy horizon! 3/3


    This image stands deep scrutiny. I could write heaps about it. The positives are too long and complex to list. The negatives are focus too soft in the top half, and slightly difficult to view in the sizes of image available. But the positives ... just the right degree of content, good contrast between the parts and within the parts, captivating detail, very still but so busy, the list goes on and on ... 6/5

    Big Sur

    I wish I could see the original. It looks like the image has a lot to offer, which cannot be seen in this version. I'll check out you other photos in the hope of seeing more similar work.


    And a beautiful image, which comes close to perfection for me. If only there were more definition in the trees and hills, then there would be the most delicious contrast between them and the diaphanous clouds. 6/7


    An image of amazing power. At first I thought, "This has an awaful lot going for it, but it loots a bit theatrical". Then I took a closer look, and saw that magic had been captured. 7/7
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