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Image Comments posted by michaelwise



    Interesting...I'm glad you said that..This shot is part of a discovery I undertook on "Anti-Kodak good 'composition guide' composition" (smirk)...Generally, people in the western hemisphere find it more comfortable when movement in an image moves from left to right, top to bottom (I think it's because of the written word, not entirely sure though)...


    The maximum aperature was used to give a very shallow depth of field, leading to the out of focus feel...The wood is in focus, but the bricks aren't. (The bricks falling where the western eye expects the subject to begin?) I'd be interested to know if other societies would see it the same way (I guess that's what I was attempting to discover).


    This was natural lighting...Underexposed, over-processed to elevate the contrast...No flash was used.


    I'm really glad you commented...since I'm REALLY interested in how the depth-of-field is perceived...




    Michael Wise

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