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Posts posted by beau_s

  1. The different between M6 and M7 is that M7 offers auto exposure (AV priority) which is good and bad depends on your taste and preference. If you want speed and convenience then yes M7 is worth the money. For me I use Leica not for speed but rather as an appreciation of its mechanic and precision, one of a few camera that can operate without battery. If I want speed, then I use my Canon system, so for me I chose M6. Also you might want to look at M6 which is different than M6 TTL and you can search for that discussion which should be plenty in this forum.
  2. I would recommend the EF17-40 f4L for 3 reasons. One, the optical performance of the L lens which I think every Canon uses should at least experience(you will get addicted to it). Two, the focal length will fit nicely to your 30D (1.6 CF). Three the resell value of the L lens which usually hold its value very well hence if you decide to sell you will not lose much. Other good valued lens are the f4 L lens (24-105 f4L and 70-200 f4L). I have all the f2.8 L lens and rarely use f2.8 in real life (don't know why I bought them). Hope this helps
  3. I am not an expert at this but what I found effecrive is to use the ACDsee program to open the file, then click right for Tool>Resize and choose the pixel (I normally use 600*400 which yields about 100kb more or less from the largest file of the EOS 20d) It is very easy you can apply the the command once for mutiple pictures.
  4. Dear all,


    I am pretty new with filter. After having done some reading on these forum, I

    am now convinced to go with a Cokin P system and save up for a 2 stop soft

    Singh Ray GND. My question is on the Polarizer. Which polarizer do you

    recommend to go with the Cokin P and which brand? What is the different in

    quality between Singh Ray and Hitech?(is it the same different as in GND?)


    Last is it normal to use both of these filters together and if so in what

    situation or is it more of a choice depending on the situation?


    Many thanks in advance

  5. I also have a .58 and I find 35mm is the better suited lens than a 50 mm (28mm is best). The choice between Lux and Cron and which version depends on your budget. Lux is a luxury of 1 stop over cron and that's it. I often shoot at night and find Cron more than OK with 400 film, again Lux is better if you can afford it. ASPH lens of both are the preferred choice but 35 Cron pre-ASPH is a great overall lens, quality very close to ASPH, much smaller and cheaper, hence my choice.
  6. For Leica and photo equip go to B&H and Photo village, search the net for their addresses


    For hotel, search at expedia.com, I just got back last week stayed at the Sheraton Hotel and Tower on 53 and 7th, great location and value. I paid around $300 a night inc. taxes. Havn't been there for over 10 yrs, it has changed a lot in better ways, much cleaner and safer, a great city in all, good luck

  7. Thank you very much for your valuable responses. Although both lens seems to be great lens, I think the IS is a clear winner performance wise. It is up to me now to justify whether I will be using the lens enough for cost of the new IS, if not I will try to get the old 4.5 for the price around $3,000 as per Bob's recommendation. Either way, will get one and hope to share results with you soon . This forum is great !!!
  8. I am deciding whether to go for used Canon 500 f4.5 or the new 500 f4

    IS. With the crop factor 1.6X of D20, that would make 500mm into

    800mm without losing AF (with the old f4.5 which used to be an issue

    when add 1.4X with most film camera). My main subject would be bird.

    The cost different I think is around $1,500 (lately used 500 f4.5 went for

    almost $4,000). Which one is a better deal?


    Thanks in advance

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