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Posts posted by wickerman_wickerman1

  1. I'm a farmer and i have bought hundreds of 20d's to grow my spuds, infact i cant wait for the new model to come out so i can sow some beans and peas.


    All of my 20d's had focussing errors so i removed my right eye and the problem was easily solved, and as for the battery problem, i just carry a kilo of plutonium in my pocket which not only warms me up on the coldest days but boost my battery power aswell.


    Get a life you lot, my story is more believable than yours.

  2. I see your points but put it like this, your small bottle is advertised in the UK at �9.00 plus delivery over the net, at the chemist 500ml of the stuff was quoted to me at �7.70---thats some profit !


    But being as it can be used for cleaning your lens aswell i dont suppose it will last as long as you think.


    And for cleaning glass you need nothing more and nobody has used anyother better thing than alcohol so as being " special " stuff--well i will leave you to think on that.

  3. Well one of those boring questions again? no it's not, read on.


    It's time for me to do mine good and proper as it's getting too bad,

    and when looking at the cost of the cleaning stuff i am shocked at

    the rip off prices being charged.


    So i done a little investigating, and have found that Eclipse

    cleaning fluid is actually ISOPROPANOL is this true ? which

    sells for a hell of a lot less at your chemist than what Eclipse

    cleaning fluid does.


    The only other thing it can be is Methanol which probably wouldnt

    sell for anymore.


    Cleaning Fluid can only be alcohol so it is one of the two, can

    anybody confirm which one or can both be used as they are both

    highly pure alcohol which will immediatley evaporate and leave no

    smearing residue. I am also told Zippo lighter fuel is very pure.


    As regards the wiping swabs, does anybody have an alternative to the

    tremendously expensive Sensor swabs for sale?

  4. Dave i think the 24-70 is known as a wedding lens cause the focal range is just right---you are down to 1.8 for the portrait work and the sharpness of the lens throughout the range.


    As regards using it for landscape pics, if you use a wide angle too much in a mountainy area it has the effect of flattening the picture and losing the mountain effect also just because it's landscape doesnt mean you want panoramic with each pic.

  5. Hello Sophia, i bought a canon 24-70L because i had made my mind up after reading all the if's and but's.


    It was described by all the wedding photographers as the wedding lens, so i bought it for general use and landscape.


    I dont leave it in the bag, i leave it on the camera and i sold my others in that range.


    What you will find on these forums is that there is a lot of snobbery and bitterness, and those who have the most expensive kit think they are better than everybody else and some of those who dont have the best kit will write anything to put people off having the same.( I had mine as a present and i just love taking pics )


    It is a great sharp lens, and very fast, true it is weighty but only as much as a bag of sugar, not really heavy or cumbersome and certainly not the heaviest of lens's, in other words it is rubbish what you have been told.


    One other thing, if you go for a few set focus mid range len's, remember each time you change you will get dust in your camera and spend more time in processing, put on your 24-70L and leave it on and cover the range you want and no dust.

  6. Just an idea fellas, but medical eqipment is irradiated ( exposed to radiation ) to kill any germs.


    Could your lens go to one of these places and go through the same process? dont know whether you would need to strip it down or not though

  7. If anybody just keeps upgrading to the next latest model all you do really is feed Canon and finance companies.


    You are happy with your 20d, if you get a 5d you spend thousands for basically a better pic at the wide end, is it worth all that cash?


    Save your money and add to it through the year then in stead of upgrading skip a few models and advance in leaps and bounds, then you may even have the best most advanced model.


    That way you wont punish yourself everytime a new model comes out and can only upgrade if you want every 2 years when they upgrade their top cameras

  8. Just another TROLL SCARE STORY you are wasting your time replying to this crap.


    If any manufacturer dumped a major part of his market and also left a huge volume of his customers high and dry that manufacturer would disapear.


    It's ten years since digital was introduced and still film camera's are being made and sold in huge quantities so the answer to dumping your 1.6 sensor may be a long way off if it ever is.



  9. I only ever use zoombrowser with my little Ixus V2, i found it took too long on my 20d.


    There are firmware updates for the 20d and also more zoombrowser updates aswell.


    Use a card reader ?5.00


    Use Pixmantic Rawshooter for your raw iomages from the 20d and it's free alot better than Canons professional thing.

  10. Quote----Jayesh Sukumaran , nov 04, 2005; 05:27 p.m.

    wickerman, thanks for showing up. I was just about wondering where the real 'bozos' where. Thanks for proving that you guys still exist.

    If you don't have any constructive comments, please do something else.


    I never claimed to be a camera expert. Chill out friend, it's not your brother I was commenting about, it's just a machine. Get a life and if that's not possible, go hang yourself. I'll gladly sponser the rope.


    I aint got a brother-----i am chilled but everytime this topic has been bought up this week they have deleted it-------i have a life, and mine isnt spent sadly trying to convince people their little machine aint built right---i dont believe you are capable of building a gallows

  11. QUOTE---Jayesh Sukumaran , nov 04, 2005; 04:23 p.m.

    Mark, I never intended for this post to become a flame.



    Well Jayesh i suppose i would call my self an Engineer, i went to college in my youth and served an apprenticeship and obtained my trade certificates---but that was in heavy industry and not camera design, so i wouldnt come on a camera forum and claim to know all about camera's.


    You have, are you an Engineer involved in camera design?


    Personally i think you are just another of the bozo's on this forum who claim this and that--most of it pure crap and they never back it up. You could be a well intentioned innocent but just lately the bozo's have been having a field day and attained Photo.net hero status, so excuse me for misinterpreting your intentions.


    I dont think it matters which is the best camera and whose make it is, if someone made the perfect camera then we would all know as we would all have that one.

  12. Who the hell care's? one things for certain if anybody was to listen to you lot, they wouldnt buy anything !


    This is better than that, That is better than this.----I've seen this--I've seen that !


    I've seen George Bush on the tele, but it sure don't make me an expert on American comedians does it?


    Unless you have used them then you dont know what you are talking about.

  13. Hi Ted--I have had one since April and i am satisfied, i only get start to wonder when i read these forums and people suggest that because there is now a 5d we all have to update otherwise it will be the end of the world.


    I purchased the 18-55 kit len's which is very average, so i then bought the 24-70 2.8L monster.


    The reason i opted for the 20d was because of it's mag-alloy body over plastic and with this lens it WAS the right choice because it is a heavy thing to stick on your camera.


    I take pics of anything and have taken some amazing Landscape with this combo.


    I mainly shoot RAW on Aperture Priority and on Perimeter 2 and b/w settings


    I have printed my own crystal clear pin sharp A4 prints from it and i anm going to have some A3 and larger done soon.


    I am happy with it--i want to use it everyday.


    My advice is dont read too many of the downers on these forums as you will end up with a very big head ache.

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