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Posts posted by sj_s

  1. Hello - I'm back again.... reviewing the same question. Didn't buy anything last year, but am looking again and this time I have more budget... Up to $2500 for body and lense(s).


    I'm leaning toward a Canon now... but wondered if recommendations on the Nikon side would change with newer models and a little larger budget.



  2. I tried the D200 at an event a few weeks ago - it was WONDERFUL! No doubt it will be the camera I get if I decide to go with Nikon.


    However, I had several people tell me at the event that if I am serious about sports photography, I should consider Canon (the 30D)?


    I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but am hoping to very soon.


    Any input on the pros/cons between the D200 and the 30D?

  3. Mark - wow... great shot. Now I'm really leaning toward a d2h. Since I won't be able to use my other lenses with the new camera, I'm thinking I'll sell them to add to my budget. (I've been selling so many things around the house to get money for the camera, my cats think they are next!) Thinking I'll start watching eBay and photo web sites to see if I can find a used one.


    Many thanks to everyone for your suggestions - keep 'em coming!!

  4. I have a few lenses I used with my film Pentax camera - some are older, but one is newer (a Tamron AF70-300). I've never used any of these on a digital body. I've heard that I can... so I was hoping to try that to reduce the initial cost. The last thing I want to do is make a purchase then be disappointed in it's ability to do what I want... so I'd be willing to wait a little longer (and save a little more money) to get one that would be the most appropriate.



  5. Hello - I am preparing to purchase a Nikon DSLR for taking pictures at

    horse events.


    I need a camera with:


    1. as little shutter-lag as possible,

    2. that can focus on fast moving objects (close up and far away), and

    3. fast shutter speed.


    "Nice to have" features would include


    1. Continuous Shooting, and

    2. very high resolution.


    I have been looking at the D70 all along... but now am considering a

    higher model.


    I don't anticipate enlarging beyond 8x10, but suppose that might change.


    I am currently not a professional, but would like to work my way

    there. I've been saving $$$ and currently have $1000. That was my

    goal, and promised myself the D70 when I reached it, but now I'm

    closer to the possibility of D200.


    Anyone have any opinions or facts that would help me make this decision?


    I currently have only the lenses I used with my film SLR. I want the

    best camera for this specific job.



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