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Posts posted by levitysnapsphotography

  1. I think we are all spending too much time dancing around the obvious... this is meant to be shocking. It shines light in a myriad of facets of our lives. The photo is exceptional-will it go on my wall? NO! Real or otherwise...


    This is a brave photographer who should be applauded for making us think. The road he has taken is an extreme and brutal one and he should not be chased from this site....

  2. Sorry guys, I'm from Australia so I'm a bit slow on the uptake....

    Pornography by definition is- an attempt to sexually excite through art(pictures, words, music, sculpture etc.).

    If I am correct in my statement then just because someone has taken a nude photo it doesn't make it pornographic. We have to look at the artists intent rather than his or her end result.


    What is erotic to me isn't always erotic to you.


    To dumb this down even more....(just in case I want to re-read this later and understand it) If I take a photo for a foot fetishist in attempt to turn them on...the photo of a foot is porn.

    If I take a photo of a foot for a shoe commercial, it is not porn.


    Ultimately I think this argument is insane. These pics on this site are to inspire not to objectify. If a photo makes you feel warm and fuzzy...look at it. If it makes you moisten in your nether regions then you decide what you want to do.

  3. My names Levity and I'm an alcoh....a photographer (HI LEVITY). I'm truly endeared towards all the members of photo.net for treating me with respect even though I'm (apparently) a lower class citizen, as I cannot afford to join. I'm aware that my submissions and movements are limited as I have not paid the joining fee. The only time I jump onto this forum is while I'm at work in the Kodak lab (please try noy to spit everytime you here that word, the floor is getting slippery).

    Sadly in a small town I don't sell any photos and if I did, I could immediately join.


    You can always give me a gift subscription....

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