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dariusz calkowski

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Image Comments posted by dariusz calkowski

  1. First look was WOW! But on second look I really stopped to like it. It's over manipulated and over saturated for my taste. And this painting like and hdr like effect killed something what was a great photo once. Now it looks cliche for me.

  2. Possible, but I think it is natural. Nice picture, but way to much hdr-photomatix for my liking. It looks unnatural, more like a computer created graphic, then picture taken with a camera.

    One Fine Day


    Lovely surreal mood and unconventional composition.

    I like it a lot. Umbrella makes this picture working.

    I wish only if they were in XIX century cloths in sepia!

  3. I agree with the others.

    I played with your picture in PS.

    It is never too late, you can fix a bit too tight crop by adding frame in similar shade to picture's background. Boosting contrast a little helped with visual impact too.

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