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Posts posted by vytautas_slenderis

  1. Hi, everyone again. I called today the official dealers of Pentax here in Lithuania. The woman I talked to was very cooperative and explained that it is best to send the camera for a check-up to them. But from what she said I somehow felt that they are not very enthusiastic about going in for calibration. Well, I decided to try the method advertised here on the Internet and installed first the hacked version 1.10 and then the original Pentax version 1.10 over it. OH, BOY! I didn't have to start doing anything with service menus or anything. All my backfocusing problems are GONE just by installing v1.10!!! Have no idea why or how. But it is what it is. This makes me think that the backfocusing/frontfocusing problems are somehow related to a firmware bug or something. I STILL hope Pentax will be introducing a firmware update correcting the backfocusing issue. (Well secretly I am still nurturing the hope that Pentax will add AF adjustment in menus at least for two or three lenses in a future firmware update. Even this would be extremely helpful.)
  2. Hello, everybody,

    After reading this thread I also decided to write about my experience with the K10D backfocusing. Currently I have three Pentax lenses - my older FA 50/2.8 Macro (sold all older zooms). This one seems to work fine with no focusing problems. My DA 16-45/4 (which I bought together with my first DSLR - istDL) backfocuses badly. It doesn't matter if I focus in AF or manual, results are consistently the same - strong backfocusing, although the picture looks sharp in the viewfinder. I also have learned for now to frontfocus manually a little (just by guesing how much) so that the resultant picture is sharp. Odly, the DA 18-55 that I bought together with the K10D, seams to have no backfocusing problems. I wish it were opposite, because I like the 16-45/4 more.

    I hope Pentax will release a firmware update that substantially improves the focusing performance (best would be an option to adjust AF in menu, as it is possible in K20D, at AT LEAST FOR A FEW different lenses).

    In film era I had no such problems with Pentax, and I enjoyed Pentax cameras (my MZ-5n still with me, collecting dust now). Pentax also used to provide good service with my film equipment. I hope they will remain cooperative in the digital era and do something about the K10D focusing problem. I have no doubt they know about it. For now, the most frustrating thing is their silence. I think they should be frank and say, if they are working on it, or if it is at all possible to do anything about it. This way they would at least show their cooperative attitude.

  3. Good point on checking the pop-up flash. I have been using the ZX-5n (actually, mine is the European name version MZ-5n) for over ten years. Loved the camera. Except that the pop-up flash failed (internal mechanics broke) and it had to be repaired. Only a year or so passed after that and it broke again. I'd say its a week point of the camera especially having in mind that I use the pop-up flash VERY rarely. Now it is fully working except the flash. But I am not using it anymore as I switched to digital istDL. (Personally, I would rather recommend digital.)
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