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Image Comments posted by jason_winshell

    The Bleak Sea


    I think the subtle details you've brought out in the foreground through DOF make this shot noteworthy. Generally, this type shot has been done to death. However, pulling it off as uniquely well-executed as you've done here is an accomplishment. Nice work.



    Girl (B&W)


    This is really beautiful portrait. With this shot you've captured both emotion and inner beauty. It's also technically outstanding. Well done.



    Heavenly Tears

    Is there something specific you are looking for in the way of a critique? Without knowing your intentions I would have to say this is an unremarkable photograph in this genre unless it means something personal to you. Can you elaborate? I would like to be constructive if I can.


    The decay of the walls has made a beautiful natural pattern. The red electrical boxes really work well. I'm finding that the horizontal linear nature of the upper half of the photo, which really seems like the subject is being thrown off balance by the large empty space at the bottom. I'd crop off the bottom just above the arc-like stain (below the square with the two dots). A brightness bump might help as well. I'd put this on my wall. I suspect it would make a great print. 6/6 on the arbitrary rating scale.
  1. I feel like I'm there, yet I have no idea what I'm looking at. In the foreground I see two normal looking characters. The background characters are bizarre. I'd crop more of the left and right out. Don't let the silly rating system bother. My feeling is that people should have to leave a critique to contribute a rating. 5/6 for what it's worth.

    Fog City


    I'm a San Franciscan as well, so I know this spot. The lines of art deco diner contrast the subtle reflections in the window nicely. I suspect this was a tough crop. To bad about the top corner with the trees. I don't see any other way to crop this because of the perspective. You would lose to much image.


    Nice work.



    I think this photo is gimicky. For me the image is about a "special effect" with no other

    context that make it interesting. For example, the woman isn't doing anything that contrasts

    or mirrors the energy of the water. This is a clever technical shot. That's about it.

  2. Clearly this is very interesting scene with great lighting. I don't understand why the cactus (?) in the foreground is the subject of the shot (intentionally or not). Is comes across as the subject to me because its much brighter and the largest element in the scene. Perhaps you could explain.

    "Dock of the Bay"


    First the shot has interesting elements and is technically good.


    However, I few things don't work in my opinion. Please take my observations constructively.


    The colors are very nice, but over saturated so as to make the scene unreal. I understand the intent of capturing the drama of the sunset. However I don't think it worked. I see the cement seawall, intentionally or not, as subject of the shot without being interesting (the grass too). The receding perspective doesn't communicate anything. If this is just a personal travel photo, then I'd say I captures the moment well. If your intent was to create a piece of art then I think this is trying too hard and the result is formulaic.


    Nice job generally.

    San Diego


    Terrific. I love the glowing building on the left and the dark ones on the right. It's almost like they are negatives of each other. The three sections, dark featureless water, detailed lit buildings, and wispy clouds contrast each other nicely.


    I find the image too square, with too much sky. I think the image would be more dramatic if you cropped about 1/6th off the top. 6/5

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