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Posts posted by wingnut

  1. I just opened an account with Art Leather and have their Montage software

    installed and have only tooled around with it a little. Any experience with

    this software, or suggestions of another? I want to lay out the pages and then

    send the files in to be printed and bound - would prefer to sending in the

    prints. I like the idea of something drag and drop. I have heard some good

    things about Gary Fongs books, but that is about it.

    And no, I do not want to outsource this work just yet.


    Thanks for any suggestions.


  2. Jeffrey,

    I would not call myself an expert, but I am in Marketing in my day job. Everything I have heard (and common sense as well) suggests that directory ads are a poor place to put your money. Most people look online these days. Making sure your site is visible to Google and other big search engines is a better direction to concentrate on. Use keywords and tags in your site development and you will be in the runing. It is not as simple as that of course, but ask yourself when was the last time you opened a phone book to look for someone. (Though, listing on Superpages is worth looking into. Hmmm)


    My 2 cents.

  3. I am in the same boat in many ways. I had my site built a couple of years ago by someone in Argentinia. His other sites were slick and the price was great. however, I was unaware of the potential pitfalls of using flash. I would like to redo my site now, but know that learning html WILL NOT fit into my schedule - despite how easy it might be. I have heard some interesting things about JAlbum template software, which is free, but have not looked into it yet.


    Does anyone else have any experience with it?

  4. I have been asked by a bride's mother to quote her a price on creating a photo

    montage DVD to be shown during the rehearsal dinner. I have Iview Image Pro 3

    and know that it has that capability. I told her I have never actually done

    it, but am confident I can pull it off. She will supply the images.


    Any suggestions on what I might charge for this?




  5. Thanks Ben. This is a slightly different situation. I was approached by the school becuase I was always at functions taking pictures of events and then giving the images (on disk) to the school for yearbooks and such. The principal talked to me at the beginning of the year and asked me about doing the graduation shots. It is now fairly close and I am just doing the research into what the parents received in the past. I think I can turn a modest profit, but it is also something of a low-stress thing for me and good PR as well.


  6. I am shooting the graduation class photos for my daughter's

    elementary school. The school was not happy with the big photo-mill

    studio that has done them in the past. I need to put some sample

    photo pkgs together, but am coming up with a blank (wallets, 5x7's,

    etc). Is there a kind of typical package that is offered, something

    I could base things off of?



  7. Mike, thanks. I see your point, though my original impression was that it was a liitle cleaner than some I have seen. However, I guess I am looking for more of a pro level option for online proofing. I have searched through the forums and have seen much about Pictage and the like, but I am less interested in a service to handle online ordering at the moment. Any suggestions would be welcome.


  8. Thanks Annie. I just tried the free trail and the results look fairly smooth. However, I am new to online proofing, so my opinion may be skewed. I tried Smugmug at the suggestion of a freind and was less than impressed. I am looking for something for clients and their family to review and then contact me for print orders.

    Any suggestions?

    THanks again,


  9. I am thinking of using WM Photoworks to produce my proof books. I

    have been to their website and like their interface, but was curious

    if anyone has dealt with them already and could give me some

    feedback on the quality of their final product. This is me being

    lazy and something of a coward I suppose.




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