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Posts posted by lev_pertsov1

  1. Hi,


    Me and my wife are planning a trip to Tuscany this June for a little

    more than 2 weeks. We are planning on spending a few days in Florence,

    Sienna and environs, and then renting a car and going exploring hill

    towns of Tuscany primarily in South East (Montalcino, Montepulciano,


    I would appreciate any suggestions and tips on particularly photogenic

    spots and events not to be missed that time of year. Basically

    anything you enjoyed participating in and taking pictures of.




  2. How does it affect photographers? I hope it does not because no self respecting photographer should be in that part of the park - at least not during hours of shuttle operation. Ok, if your objective is taking pictures of hordes of sweating tourons then by all means take the shuttle. As was mentioned before route 9 is much better and you can still drive there. You can also find beautiful vistas in the northern part of the park and what's more important - no people.
  3. Very simple question - Why do Medium Format cameras cost so much?

    For example, you can't image simpler camera than FUJI rangefinders

    (6x7, 6x9, etc) - it consists of the lens/shutter, light tight body

    with film advance and a rangefinder. It should cost $15 + cost of the

    lens and not $1500 (I don't think the lens on these cameras worth


    This huge discrepancy is even bigger if you look at more expensive

    models like Hassy or Mamiya.


    Are they charging so much simply because we are stupid enough to buy

    them at these inflated prices?

  4. Just ask security people at airport checkpoints to hand inspect your film if you are so concerned. Personally I had no problems with film left in my carry on laggage. However, don't ever leave your film in the laggage that you check in!!! They use industrial strength X-RAY machines on your check in laggage that will leave your laggage glowing in the dark for a long time.
  5. Short answer - don't go there unless you enjoy trekking with 30 people and photograph tame monkeys. Ariau Tower is a huge resort with more than 500 tourists at any time and guides more interested in selling you stuff than showing you rain forest. They advertise as an Eco tourism but the truth is they destroyed ecology in 100 miles radius.


    Go with smaller and much better independent tour operators. I stayed in Jungle Lodge (~150km south of Manaus) on Juma river - it's a floating lodge with less than a dozen cabins. When we stayed there there were only me, my wife and a German girl. We had 2 extremely knowledgable guides with us all the time. Accommodations are rustic - no electricity or hot water but it was actually a plus and not minus.

    We enjoyed every second of our stay there.

    What you are going to see there depends on when you are going. We went in late November - peak of the dry season and saw tons of birds and caymans. In wet season you'll see more monkeys and less caymans.

  6. I use Bogen Monopod and Bogen Shoulder brace which attaches to monopod and provides extra support. When not in use it folds back and you can use your monopod as a walking stick. The only thing that I don't like about the Bogen shoulder brace is that I would prefer if it was more rigid.
  7. Hi,


    I have a Bogen 3016 with Bogen Midium ballhead and a SLIK EZ-POD JR. I actually like SLIK better but the ballhead is not interchangale. While it's not a substitute for a heavy tripod, monopods have their uses. Most of the times I carry both, especially when hiking. I use my monopods as walking sticks and ocasional camera support but when I come accross something spectacular it's time for my trusty Bogen tripod.

  8. Hi Martin,


    I just came back from trip to Brazilian Amazon rain forest. Definetely take your 500mm lens - you'll need it. The longest lens I had was 400mm and it just wasn't enough in many situations. We saw a lot of birds when we took canoe rides and some howler and wooly monkeys. When venturing into rain forest Velvia is just too slow. I think the best way is to use fast print film (I used Fuji RMS 100/1000 pushed to 400 and 800 but it came out too contrasty).

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