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steve c

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Image Comments posted by steve c

    Tara in Shadow


    Thank you Thai, I really appreciate your comments. I can't say we were going for a specific look here, more just exploring - I agree that this looks more "sophisticated" than the other images and probably warrants different treatment for future attempts, including a moodier background.


    Am discovering that studio lighting is a tricky business - what looks pretty good on the LCD screen isn't always quite what you end up with in the final exposure. Highlights and shadows especially.


    We plan to try a few more sessions, and I'll take your suggestion of having her looking off camera. Thanks again! -Steve

    Evening Pasture


    Thanks Thai for your comments. I recently started using a polarizer and I'm usually pleased with the results. I have never used a graduated ND filter - that's one of those pieces of photo equipment that intimidate me a bit since I'm not exactly sure when I'd want it on, and when I don't. After looking at a few other landscape portfolios, including yours, I'm starting to change my mind though...


    As you assumed, this picture has neither, so some PhotoShop darkening was required to get the sky an acceptable shade of blue. You might notice a bit of light "fringing" around the treeline, where I tried to blend the darkened sky with the natural background. Obvious as hell to me, but nobody else has noticed it so far until I pointed it out.


    Anyway, thanks again for your comments, very helpful.



    Evening Pasture


    Still learning - Appreciate some opinions on this- this was a

    challenging exposure and I ended up darkening the sky a bit in

    PhotoShop. What do you think? Thanks!

    Sunset Road


    Thanks Thai + Daniel for your suggestions.


    If the sun and clouds around here cooperate I'll try some of these suggestions out and see if I can't get something that I like.


    I do like the idea of the streaked headlights, maybe I could use a second sync flash to "freeze" a car at the end. Tricky timing though.


    Thanks again for the suggestions!



  1. Again - still learning here. This was my second year at attempting

    to photograph fireworks, and I learned enough to try to get

    something interesting in the foreground this time. This was one of

    the few photographs where everyone was nice enough to stay

    relatively still during the 10 second exposure. I like this photo -

    but would appreciate if anyone has any other suggestions for

    shooting fireworks.

    Sunset Road


    Still learning here - Looking for some suggestions


    The dark treeline and underexposed+saturated clouds are as intended,

    as is the dim road leading off to the left side of the frame, and

    the car headlights way off in the distance coming this way. But even

    though this is what I was trying to capture - this photo doesn't do

    much for me - it feels like it needs something else of interest.


    Any suggestions?



    Gracie May


    Great photo! Good cropping and nice job catching the interesting expression.


    If I had to critque anything, I would say it is that the photo is a bit dark for a black and white. The eyes are so dark that your subject looks a bit angry.


    On the other hand, this gives the whole photo a bit of a "sinister" look to me. I am envisioning this baby has something she urgently needs to say, and it may not be good? :)


    Anyway, a nice job! -Steve



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