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Image Comments posted by vadimr



    Was anctious to try my new Canon 85L lens. It was dead noon, and the

    harsh shadows just creep into this picture. Something about it I do

    like. All comments welcome.



    Hi James.


    Thanks for your comment. This is just outdoor natural light at 3 pm. Of course the tone and white balance adjustments in Capture One account for some of it, but there is no special lighting. I use a fill flash for some outdoor shots, but not on this one. Thanks!



    Thanks for the comment Carlo.


    I think the green is somewhat intentional. I must also admit that my skills in tone and white balance adjustment is very much that of a beginner. I usually trust my eye as far as where the best bland is, but often stop due to my frustration in regard to the tones. I think I have a long time to go before I can be comfortable with my postprocessing techniques... if anyone wants to take a jab at adjusting the settings that would be most welcome. Also sharing their technique would be appreciated!



    Hi Philippe,


    Thanks for your comment. I did not use any Photoshop techniques... the blur is the Canon 85mm L open to its full f/1.2. It is a brilliant lens that far outshines my abilities, but I am fortunate enough to be able to utilize it for a brief time. The only post processing I applied is the basic tone manipulation and white balance adjustments in Capture One Pro. I very much like your edit, and enjoy the crop as well. The tones of my original output(raw file) are similar to your edit, as they are much more harmonious with the other tones... I thought that by saturating it I would be creating a counterpoint, but I may have overdid it as your observation and example clearly shows. Thanks again!


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