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Posts posted by carlosquandt

  1. Hello


    Please, first of all excuse my bad english


    Im using now a new Katz Eye focus screen with no prisms and the problem is the

    autofocus does not work very fine. It focus on the object but not precisely.

    And the problem persist even changing the focus area


    So, does anybody know what happens? Could it be problem of the focus screen (a

    non nikon one)? I have been using another katz eye focus screen without problems


    Thanks in advance, Carlos

  2. Hello


    When you try to request a critique of one of your photos, you can read as



    "Submit for critique only

    Note: Checking this box will permanently disable ratings on your photo, and

    cause any ratings of the photo that have already been made to be deleted."


    "and cause any ratings of the photo that have already been made to be deleted"


    How is this possible?


    Is there anyway to check "Submit for critique only" a photo that have already

    been submitted?


    Or in other words, is possible to delete the ratings on a photo that have been

    already critiqued and rated?


    Excuse if this is not the specific forum and also because may bad english :-(


    Regards, Carlos

  3. Hi Roberto

    I only know that you can use the batteries of the D200 on your D70, but not in the opposite way.

    Anyway, if you dont receive a right answer in this forum youn can phone to the nikon service support in Spain 807317226


    ��Toda una sorpresa encontrarte por estos lares��


    Un saludo

  4. I can only see 1 advantage: you just have to download a specific part of the portfolio, so less time to spend on the net


    By the other side, I've read a lot of comments like "i like very much your dragonflies, or your W/B trees...." so, you comment what you want on the portfolio. No need to comment the rest ﾿no?


    Please, excuse my bad english. Regards

  5. Hi Jim

    I have read your post and im surprised because i've never heard about Katz Eye. So i visited the link you wrote, but im not very sure about the benefits of this focusing screen comparing the standar nikon on the D200 ﾿could you please explain them?

    Please excuse my bad english

    Regards Carlos

  6. Hello Robin

    This may help you.I

    Its not an extender piece, but im using it on my D200. I think is better than the standar viewfinder that comes with the D200.


    You need this adapter piece



    And you also need this rubber eyecup



    And you can see all together here



    Hope it helps. Regards, Carlos

  7. Hi

    I have read in this post about de Dot Line Remote Release. I suposse its an alternative to the original MC-30.

    The problem is that im from spain and here is really difficult to find a MC-30.

    Does somebody know who is the manufacturer of this Dot Line Remote Release? A web page? Or the distributors in Spain?

    Thanks in advance, Carlos

  8. Thanks Steve,

    I tried in all modes TTL, A and Manual. I have read the instructions manual for twice and didnt find about this auxiliary flash.

    Please try and tell me somethig if possible.

    Thanks and regards, Carlos

  9. Hello,

    My D200 doesnt want to shoot when:

    - flash attached directly (no cable release)to the D200

    - the head of the flash is turned to the ceilling

    - switch of the additional flash set to ON

    I press the shutter to the end but doesnt shoot. With other combinations,

    camera and flash works fine.

    When the switch of the additional flash is set to OFF, the shuter shoots OK.

    Focus is set to manual, so it is not a focus problem


    Does somebody know whats the problem?


    Thanks, Carlos

  10. Hello,

    Im learning the features of my D200. I always shoot in NEF quality and dont

    know if the settings on sharpness, contrast, tone (image improvement) affect

    the NEF file. So �does the NEF file include the setting of this parameters?


    PD I dont find any translation for the spanish verb "optimizar", so i

    wrote "image improvement" as the possible name in the englsh camera menu.

    Excuse my bad english

  11. Thanks David,

    I supossed the camera LCD and my computer monitor are not reliable bases.

    I know about histogram and curves and also about they features on the camera.

    The thing is i was used to work with Fujy slides and they were my reference to underexposure between 1/3 and 2/3.

    Now i'm a little bit lost, i supose its a question of routine and use the histogram as you advice me.

    Thanks again and regards, Carlos

  12. Tom

    I base my opinion on what i see on the LCD screen (I know this is not the best TV monitor), but when i download the NEF files to my computer, they are well exposed (included the stop i use to underexposure)

    Thanks, Carlos

  13. Bernard


    1 point means 1 stop (f8-->f11)


    I usally shoot nature (landscapes, plants, macros, details, even human...)


    I think the center of the mettering is now in the standar setting (�8mm?). But when i use this metering mode i try to meter on a big gray stone, for example. Zones with uniform light and colours.


    Indeed i do the same that i did with my old F4, when i used to underexposure between 1/3 and 2/3 to get saturated colours


    I hope this helps you to help me :-))

  14. Hi

    Im using my D200 for aprox 4 months ago. I use basically matrix and center

    average mettering and work normally in Manual mode.

    Comparing vs the Nikon F4 i used, the D200 overexposures aprox 1 point having

    as the correct exposure, the exposure the mettering system indicates as 0.0 or


    So i use to under exposure 1 point the 90% of the imeges i shoot.

    Is this only my feeling or have somebody else the same problem??


    PD Please excuse my bad english :-))


    Thanks in advance, Carlos

  15. Jens,

    First of all excuse my very bad english

    As you, i have a D200 and i have recently bought a Nikon 12-24, also in Hong Kong. Im really happy with this lens. Its very funny to play with this lens at 12mm.

    But because the equipment you have i think you need a tele lens better. Obviously depending on the photography you practice.

    Hope it helps. Best regards

  16. Thanks everybody,

    Now the problem is where to find this F3HP adapter in Spain.

    In Spain, Nikon deliveries this kind of accesories very bad and very late. Im waitting now for the release cable MC-30 for 2 months ... :(

    It seemes that they dont want to sell


    Thanks again and regards

  17. Hello

    I was used to mount a rubber eyecup on my last F4e.

    Now im using a D200 and dont like the little and poor eyecup provided.

    Does somebody know if there is a better eyecup to attach to my D200?


    Thanks for your answers and please excuse my very bad english. Regards

  18. Hello

    This days im testing my D200 and im surprised because the little work to do with PS.

    I was used to scan and adjust my slides, it was worse.

    I can show you a little insect photographed last weekend, only adjusting curves and focus.<div>00G0wH-29374584.jpg.2474bde8314bc171096c31bf4c0a21d1.jpg</div>

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