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Posts posted by drofmit

  1. <p>1980.... my Practica Nova of 1965 had died about 3 years previously. An uncle died, leaving me enough money for a good camera and a couple of lenses. My wife at the time wanted a new fridge.... but she was so fed up with me doing the "<em>picture framing with two hands gesture</em> " that she let me buy a camera.<br>

    My main interest is wildlife photography and Pentax at the time were the only cameras offering Aperture priority.... CanNikon both offered only shutter priority. I needed depth of field first, not the ability to freeze sports events, so I bought an <strong>ME Super</strong> ... which I still have [dead exposure meter but still takes pix] and a Tamron Adaptall 2 75 - 250 lens.... which was followed by a second-hand <strong>MX</strong> with a 40mm lens on it.<br>

    This did me for a few years until I had trouble holding the long lens steady as the point of balance was too far foward.... so a second-hand <strong>K2</strong> was bought to solve this problem.... varicose other lenses and accessories added to the weight on my shoulders until I bought an <strong>istD</strong> . The joy of being able to run through the equivalent of six rolls of film without the expense [or damage to the environment] of chemical intervention.<br>

    I've now just bought a <strong>K7</strong> [following the death of another relative.... well, for most people <em><strong>it is</strong> </em> the rare time a lump sum comes their way!]<br>

    All the way through I've been able to use all my old equipment and since "going digital" I've become more experimental in the pix I take.... photography the Pentax way is still <em><strong>FUN!!</strong> </em></p>

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