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Image Comments posted by bhairav

  1. Hi Karl,


    Disclaimer: What I am going to say is what I feel why this pic got a below-average rating. And I am no Ansel Adams. However, if I were to analyse the rating say 3/3, then this is how it would be. But before I start dissecting the image, let me tell you that personally, I dont think its a 3/3 pic. Its much more. While we do have many fantastic photographers who comment and they are genuine, I am sorry to say that I have seen many-a viewers who simply give any low rating simply because they could not understand the pic and just that it looks amateurish.


    The rating here is based on aesthetics and originality! So, lets first look at the Aesthetics. This image falls short of contrast. The light is diffused and flat on the face (with just a litttle shadow). Anybody would look at this photo as a portrait and for a portrait, this light is simply not great! The factory settings that moved you and motivated you to take the pic are not visibe in the photograph for a viewer to see and understand. So, naturally the viewers wont be able to understand the feelings that got generated in you. I would say if you included some factory settings, etc. instead of the dull background, the photo would increase in value (ofcourse, after improving the lighting for better face lift and contrast). Deppicting poverty is not a problem. just that the lighting needs to be good to make a great pic.


    Another factor is originality. Originality in composition, lighting, view-angle, technique, etc. Which is less visible here. Flat face-on portraits of kids is common. So, maybe you could try some different view angle or some dramatic light such that one side of the face is well lit (that can be done by placing the boy near a window!), while the other side is dark (just a suggestion).


    I hope I am not leaving you more confused than you were :)


    But I would like to add: I see a great effort to show emotions!






    Hi, In addition to my previous comment, i think the unsharp-mask (USM) has been over used. A milder USM would help. Though, this remains with the artist to decide.


    Thanks, but it was in its cage and not much of a possibility get it in more actions. This pic has been taken from outside a wire fence.
  2. We were on our way to Rohtang pass (H.P., India) in mid-december

    2005 when I saw this. The outside temperature in daytime was around -

    10 degree C!!! The night time temperature was around -30 degrees C!

    Hence the unrepaired situation of the hut! A circular polarizer has

    been used to darken the blues in the sky. The exposure was intended

    to keep the hut in lower zone!

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