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Image Comments posted by cmars

  1. The paper bag is a nice touch. I suppose if your shoot does not go well on that day, the photographer can always use the bag for cheap spirits. The lens at far left looks like possibly an older Nikon Prime Lens mounts, at 400mm (or longer?).

    I will say I have usually felt pretty uneasy until I could leave whatever press riser I was standing on and wandered around the crowd with a normal focal length.  But everyone photographer probably shoots a bit differently.

    I still think I would rather shoot a non-celebrity with an inexpensive camera in an intimate setting and good access than Bruce Springsteen and Joe Biden from two football fields away 8 thousand dollars of glass. = )

    Regards. Some really interesting street shots in this portfolio. Thanks for sharing.

    Shades of blue


    Jeff, the original works quite well for me. Carsten, I don't mind manipulations, film or digital.


    This could probably become a conversation about whether photos are truth or reality, or if that is what they should be ha. Well...


    I will just say that I like the colors. I like the softness of the sea. I like the sharpness of the rocks! -Charlie





    It is good to hear from you. Yes, living in Ohio, a political swing state, we get a lot of election coverage. I like all of the excitement surrounding this year's election.


    I am sorry to hear about your friend's condition. He appears thin in this photograph, but full of life. You always capture your subjects intimately.


    But I definitely don't want to talk about technique in this post. Best of luck for a good fall Hugh. I do hope that you see a change for the best soon.


    From America.



  2. Marco, I like the last few series that you have posted. I imagine, if this were submitted for rating, there would be the odd person who rates one of the images low for having soft focus, grain, yada yada. But I think that is one of the charms here.



  3. Nice panning here. But no really, this is ridiculous!




    p.s.How have things been in London?.. I lived with two Irish girls this summer. They seemed like good people, and full of wit. But they didn't think much of the British!

    In the clouds


    ^ I would ignore the suggestion above. I am sure an interesting vertical composition could be found given the landscape, but I think the composition you have here is working well.





    I have enjoyed your portfolio Laurent. we do have several shared interests in subject matter. Regards, and look forward to seeing what you post in the future. -Charlie



    "Parking garages are too confusing. They need to name the rows something like 'your mother's a whore' instead of "G-11" or "Purple-23." You'll think, 'I know! I parked in 'my father is an abusive alcoholic!" -Jerry Seinfeld = )
  4. I think the story behind the photo makes it even more interesting. I'm impressed you were able to compose the shot/get the right exposure without your tripod (if this is right)! RD, I have to disagree with the suggestion to crop out water in the foreground. I felt the skyline/horizon in the distant background works well at 1/3. And that it might not work as well closer to flush with the bottom of the frame, but others may disagree.

    To Fly:


    Overexposed. I think a faster shutter speed or different f/stop would have worked here. And depending on how close you were able to get (and if it is allowed) an off-camera flash.


    I think this could help to freeze motion/highlight the foreground (skier) and not the snow, which is always an easy background to blow-out the highlights and shadow details.


    Good luck with PJ, and keep shooting.



  5. Well I've been working for a student paper as a photographer, and writing a few articles.


    I think my PJ skills have a ways to go, but photojournalism itself seems really interesting. Most assignments are something new, and you meet a lot of interesting people.


    And of course, some are boring. And then you have to try to come back with a photo of a budget meeting that is still decent.


    How was India? What brought you to that side of the globe?







  6. Mirror the comments made about the disengagement of the man compared to the woman. I think it tells a story. There is so much to offer/a lot variety in your portfolio.


    I am 23 y/o and am going to find myself shooting for journalism for the first time this Winter. I will have to return to your portfolio for inspiration from somebody with so much experience. Have a good holiday.




    I had trouble loading the video. I probably need to change my browser settings. You may be right about traffic on the site. I'm not sure. I do like some of the changes Photo.net has made since I had last checked.


    I get comments at about 1-2 a month these days. In my case, it may have more to do with my infrequent updates, habit of deleting images, and not posting for critiques.


    Good luck with your writing. In eight months or so I will need to decide what to do with my English degree...The trip to China must have been great. How long were you there? Were you traveling with an organization or just for the trip?


    Have a good holiday



    I agree with Kent here. The low-rates are off too. Another reason I tend not to post for ratings, but oh well.


    How are you going to rate a photo like it's American bandstand? Oh I give it a 62, but I can't dance to it...


    I noticed most of the China series is shot in closer to a 3:5 perspective--wider than some of your older posts. What camera are you shooting with these days?


    Have a good holidays. -Charlie



    Nice exposure from what looks like it could be tricky lighting.


    Do you call it the tube over there?


    Hope all is well. Have a good holidays.



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