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Posts posted by mark_paterson

  1. I have a Speedlite 420EX and recently the '50' LED (from the focal length LEDs) has started to

    flash continuously. I have tried new batteries, and H mode but it still flashes. It flashes when

    connected to my EOS 300D and EOS 350D, and also when it's not connected to a camera. I

    never use it in slave mode.


    The flash still seems to work ok, i just don't understand why the '50' flashes. I'm worried it's

    no longer optimising the flash to work with the focal length. I have the 17-85mm EFS lens.

    But as I said, this problem occurs even when it's disconnected from the camera.

  2. I have the Canon 28-135mm IS.


    When trying to do a slow zoom, the movement often sticks as the barrel is extending or

    retracting, then it will skip forward.


    I only get a smooth movement if i zoom more quickly.


    I don't think it's an issue with the camera (300D) or IS because it even happens when both the

    camera and IS is switched off.


    Does anybody else have this problem?

  3. Can anybody recommend a Teleconvertor for Canon 28-135mm IS on an EOS 300D Digital



    Ideally a 1.4x so I don't lose 2 whole stops. I presume the IS would help with the light loss.


    Will I lose AF?


    I've heard stories about certains models that don't correctly report the new aperture

    reading to the camera, etc.


    If I got a 1.4x, would the lens be 63-302mm? (taking into account the 1.6x crop)


    Thanks in advance



  4. I have a EOS 300D (Digital Rebel).


    I'm looking for a great quality walkabout lens. I have the Canon 28-135 IS but its just not

    wide enough for a walkabout lens.


    I'm thinking of selling it and getting the Canon 17-85 IS. Not quite as far zoom, but the

    extra at the wide end would make up for it.


    I tried my 28-135 at about 85mm and the difference between 85mm and 135mm is not all

    that significant anyway, but the difference between 28mm and 17mm is immense.


    Any thoughts? If there are other lenses that may be better I would like one with IS.


    I have the 18-55 that came with the camera, but compared to the 28-135, it's garbage. I'd

    rather not use that at all.

  5. Thanks. Now i'm thinking of selling my Canon 28-135 IS and getting the Canon 17-85 IS.

    Not quite as far zoom, but the extra at the wide end would make for it.


    I tired my 28-135 at about 85mm and the difference between 85mm and 135mm is not all

    that significant anyway, but the difference between 28mm and 17mm is immense.

  6. i'm sure the 28-135 isn't the best lens out there for music, but it's the best IS one I could

    afford, with a decent wide/zoom range. And the IS makes a big difference.


    I have the 18-55 one that came with my camera, but i find the manual focus ring too fast, it's

    especially hard in dark conditions.


    I don't mind changing lenses. It's just that on vacation i'd prefer just one lense so I don't have

    so much to carry day-to-day. Hey, i don't want to look like a tourist! hehe.

  7. I'm looking to buy the Sigma 18-200 for my Digital Rebel (300D).


    Seeing as it's been out a few months now i was wondering what people think of it so far? Any

    problems, good points, etc.


    I've tried it out in a camera shop and the only thing that bothered me was the manual zoom

    ring seemed a little fast.


    Apologies if there is a similar thread, but i couldn't find one after searching.

  8. Thanks for your response. I think i'd prefer to use a screw on filter lens, then i don't have

    to take my main lens off.


    I was thinking of buying these from eBay...



    Would these give me extra reach at long distance? or are they just for macro?


    What is the quality like from this sort of thing?


    Does +4 mean x4 magnifacation, etc?


    And finally, how does the 1.6 CMOS crop affect the magnification of the filters?


    Thanks, and sorry for all the questions.



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