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Image Comments posted by keithmorin

  1. hey Anthony, great story about your grandma, its good to hear that she is well at 98 years old. This image could be improved in a few ways. First, the highlight on her fore head NEEDS to go, placing yourself in between her and the window and having her turn toward the light source a little more might help. Also it looks like the sharpest focus isn't on her eyes but her hair. Finally, it would make for a better composition if we could see that she is not missing that other hand.



    cute photo, cute kid. her skin tones are a bit blue aren't they? that should be an easy fix if you were shooting in raw. could use a bit more contrast too.



    Kombiz, I know I thought the same thing. I was lucky to get this one at all. His mother and I were chatting while Klaus was trying to get the baby to calm down after a fit and I was barely fast enough to catch this moment.


    I am referring to the paint on the door as skin. This was a door to a gym in my hometown, the weathered paint had begun to peel from being in the sun. It reminded me of peeling skin.
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