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Posts posted by mark_schaffer1

  1. Both are extremely similar camera systems. Both are well made, work well, and have similar quirks. The biggest difference in my mind is that the M-6 is 6x6 and the M-7 is 6x7.


    Personally, I prefer my M-6 since I am usually travelling when I do my photograpy, and the retractable lens mount helps (unless you have the 150mm lens mounted).


    Since you already have a M-6, have you tried any of the M-7 cameras?

  2. Well, the graphics on the www.four-thirds.org website shows that the micro 4/3 format is not a SLR format (there's no mirror), but there is an extension/adapter that will allow for the older 4/3 lenses to work with the new u4/3 mount.


    So, this is not a case of making dSLRs smaller---it's just making digital cameras smaller.

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